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MG5320 doesn't print at all


My MG5320 was working fine for over a year, now it doesn't print at all. When I send a print job, the printer goes through all the motions, sounds like it's printing, and ejects the paper, but it's blank. I've put in new cartridges (a few times), run the nozzle clean and deep clean but none of that helps. Have downlaoded and installed the latest drive,  removed and cleaned the print head (using distilled water) and still no printing.

I've hooked it up via usb connection to three different computers (Mac, Win 7, Win XP) and it behaves the same. It scans OK just doesn't print. There's no error code.

Any idea what is going on?



Have you noticed that the "on" button doesn't light up now, either? Mine doesn't, and that's in addition to the problem you are listing.
Updated drivers, firmware, neither did anything. Replaced the one ink tub that was nearly empty and it printed a few pages, then quit again.

I'll be getting a non-Canon replacement too, it seems.


Mine just went out yesterday.


I find it interesting that this thread is a year old, yet Canon has posted nothing beyond the original response two days after the thread started.


Their printers are suddenly failing and people have been trading info on which brand to switch to on Canon's own forum, but they aren't going to respond?


My guess is that either they have no clue whatsoever what the problem is, or they've decided its more cost effective to get whatever revenue they can from the product line and redesign the flaw out of future models.  Neither one is good for them long-term.  I'm betting some 3rd-party supplier/assembler isn't meeting their quality requirements and they're finding out about it from their customers.  Again, bad for them.


If they know what the issue is, maybe try something like this:

"We're sorry you're having issues with our product.  The problem is (x), and needs to be repaired by our technicians.  We can repair this issue if you will send the item in; repair would cost (y), and you would be responsible for shipping.  We understand that, given the age of your product, this might not be the most desirable option for you.  If you would rather replace the printer, we would value keeping you as a customer and would like to offer (cost of repair "y" & shipping) off the purchase of any one of our other printers, in addition to any current discounts.  Please provide (proof of ownership/purchase) and we will give you a coupon for this discount."


My hope is that they're contacting people offline and offering something along those lines, but they still ought to address the issue in this thread to clue the rest of us in.  Or they might just not moderate their forums that well to keep track of ongoing/persistent issues.  Then why have a support forum?


It could be, too, that this is a problem caused by the consumer.  Maybe off-brand inks (hey, I'm honest) cause the print head to wear out prematurely, or don't flow properly through the components, stick to them, etc.  We were all warned, right?  If that's the case:

"We have found this issue to be caused by using inks other than those recommended in your owner's manual.  This risk is mentioned in your owners manual on page (x).  You will need to replace (y) to fix the issue.  etc. etc."


However, if they don't know what the issue is, we're probably all better off switching brands anyway.


P.S. - I switched to Canon because my multifunction Brother had gone out and Canon had great reviews for quality.  So far, this printer has been amazing and has performed strongly with excellent quality.  I'm very surprised to see Canon drop the ball on this.

I replaced my Canon with a Brother MFC-J875dw.  It was the best thing I ever did.  The new printer is going on over a year strong and does not suck up ink like the Canon did.  Also the cartridges are reasonaly priced.  Buying to brand name ink doesn't break the bank now.  It sucks that I had to toss my Canon printer and buy a new one, but in the end I'm much happier.

To Whom It May Concern

I am sincerely hoping that by me giving voice to this, Canon will see fit to address our issue.

I also found the printing and scanning functions of this printer to be quite good and this problem is too significant to a large number of users that it should not be adressed.


I sincerely trust that courtesy and good conscience on the part of Canon will prevail in this regard.


Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Oh great. Just happened to me. First day of new college semester. Printed class schedule last night and this morning the printer died apparently. Did every single thing that would be necessary. New cartridges, deep clean etc etc etc. Not an idiot here. We've got a computer programmer in the house. Just went through a dead MacBook Pro recall that took a year for Apple to resolve. Oh well. Off to the store tonight at 8pm after school to buy something else.

Hi, CarrieH!

Thanks for posting on our forum! This community is designed for your fellow Canon owners to help each other out with any problems they may encounter. If this is an urgent matter, contacting our US-based technical support team is the most efficient way to get these issues straightened out. They're standing by, ready to help 24/7 via Email at or by phone at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666) weekdays between 10 AM and 10 PM ET (7 AM to 7 PM PT).

Thanks and have a great day!

Thank you for responding, Danny.

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Well now, I'm in this same boat.

Printer just stopped printing after a paper jam.

It is NEVER a good sign when you find a thread with your printer model and the same problem that you have just experienced.


I'll call the number, but my time is also valuable.


IF anyone has actually had Canon provide some useful information, please post.


Time to look at another manufacturer.



This doesn't work. And this is a too common problem that needs to be fixed.
