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How to print a single envelope on a Canon MX922


I'm trying to figure out if there is an easy way to print single envelopes without having to take all the paper out of the lower tray, readjust the guides for an envelope, print the envelope, readjust the guides for full size paper, then putting the full size paper back in the lower tray. 


I'm thinking that I will have to buy a 2nd lower tray if I can't get this problem resolved.


Agreed.  Canon obviously doesn't care what anyone thinks about their products.  Much noisier than previous versions, keeps asking to change ink tanks when there's plenty in there (of course, that sells more ink; just keep pressing "ok" to print until it's obvious you need to change a cartridge).  Latest is that buying a Canon combo pack of cartridges doesn't include the CLI-251 BK cartridge.  That you have to buy separately!  I couldn't believe it, so called Canon and they confirmed.  What nonsense!


Nothing worked for me using the top envelope tray.  I'm on a mac, and there is no selection in the printer driver to deliver paper from the envelope tray.  I tried everything, and every time the dam thing jammed with the envelope stuck in the bowels of the printer.


I eventually wound up emptying the bottom tray and setting the guides for the envelope using just one envelope.  The envelope tray on this printer is a useless appendage.  It's like this product went out the door without final testing of this function/feature. 


Another frustrating thing about this printer is that it sits there churning, huffing, and puffing for minutes before it finally decides to print.  From a software point of view, this product is a failure.  How about some firmware and software upgrades, Canon?

The top tray is only usable if the envelope is small enough to fit.  I too am really disappointed with printer.  I miss the rear feed and printing envelopes with this printer is a nightmare.  Bad design, bad printer. 

As you can see by the forum posts most users who had an earlier Canon printer are very frustrated by not being able to load envelopes in a separate location as had been the case. Why couldn't Canon make the upper tray larger to be able to accept #10 evnelopes that people use commonly. I would actually pay to buy a replacement upper tray to accomplish this task. The upper tray now does not take that size but could easily be reengineered to accept them.


Agree, my new 922 is such a noisy pain.

Do you see the number of complaints on this envelope feed issue?

Will Cannon provide an adjustment to the top feed tray to accept business size envelopes?

You are right!  Trying to print a single envelope is a joke on this printer.  What could anywone be thinking to make you dismantle your paper, reset all the paper guides in order to print an envelope???  It's nuts!


Yes... pure frustration is how I'd describe it. The old printer had a rear tray that handled Legal size paper and envelopes. This printer, the MX922, does not have a means of handling Legal size... Not a huge deal, but a problem for me nonetheless. The biggest problem, though is printing envelopes:


Remove all paper from the lower tray

Move the paper guides in to hold the envelop

Print and cross your fingers that the envelop doesn't jam somewhere inside.


Only took me 4 tries to get this done today. Finally succeeded, but not without a bit of swearing and troubleshooting while trying to remove the envelope from somewhere inside.


As nice a printer as this is, printing envelopes is a pure PITA. And, forget printing on legal size paper!

Who was the rocket scientist who thought THAT up????


After half an hour of trying everything, I realize now that I need to buy a different printer.   I really don't have the time to deal with this idiotic setup to print ONE freaking envelope!  


Please advise which Canon printers function like they USED to, i.e. allowing me to stick an envelope "somewhere" and the printer printing my envelope without having to remove all paper and having to adjust all the paper guides TWICE.


Thank you,


Christine Baker


PS:  I have a sheet of labels with my return address and will be HAND ADDRESSING my envelopes until Canon manages to produce a printer that actually works. 

I too cannot believe they did away with the functionality of the rear feed tray. I used it all the time, and the lower tray is a huge pain to have to open up every time I want to feed checks, cardstock or anything other than regular paper, because the tray to feed the printed pages out is layered on top of the tray. The 2nd tray is too small. I have to 1) close the feed out tray, 2) fish around for the handle to open the bottom tray and 3) place the checks or whatever in the bottom tray, and you don't have the gravity tension that the rear tray had to line up something that isn't 8x11. Big fail, I wish I had my 870 back.
