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Canon MX922 Lower Paper Tray Stuck Unless Full


The lower paper tray on my MX922 gets firmly stuck if it's empty.  I have to wrench it forcefully half a dozen times to get it back out to load more paper.  Of course, the obvious quick fix is to never let it get too low on paper, but I often print on special sizes, usually one piece at a time or it will try to feed multiple pieces at once.  I've cleaned the edges of the paper tray and the places where it slides in.  I've checked that spring thing underneath, no problems.  I've turned the whole printer upsidedown to make sure there wasn't something jamming it up, I've cleaned the rollers, even though that didn't seem like it would make any difference, and it didn't.  I'm at my wits end.  Anybody else have this problem, and did you find a reason or solution?  Thanks very much!


Takes up too much paper space.I tried that didn't work. Best thing is so far is lift up tray and pull to the left while pulling tray out.Works with out all the other tricks mentioned.
