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Call to Arms for the dreaded U052 Wrong Printhead Error


This is a "call to arms" for all of you Canon customers who have had this problem and have had their printers disabled because of it.  Please respond with the model of your printer and if you were able to fix it, what you did to fix it. 


We need to put pressure on Canon to respond this product defect.  It appears to be bad firmware that does not allow the user to override the problem and to continue to use the printer even in a degraded mode.  From my investigations the problem is NOT a printhead issue - no way one can be printing fine and then have this error alert without having changed the printhead or ink cartridges!


Canon, PLEASE take this issue seriously and provide a solution across the affected models.  If nothing else there should be a trade-in allowance for those printers that have been affected by this product defect.


I have had many Canon printers because they have superior functional specifications. I want to be able to continue using Canon products but only if I can have confidence that this product defect will not destroy my investment.


If Canon is unresponsive our next step should be to aggressively publisize this product defect on social media and on major product vendor outlet sites as negatives reviews.


Forum Users, please reply with your affected model number(s) and with details of any succdessful fix procedure.

1,478 REPLIES 1,478


I too have the same error code (U052) problem and am frustrated with the insensitivity of Canon to not have addressed this problem.  I have written to Canon support and will await their response before initiating any further actions.  I have and have had numerous Canon products cameras, lenses, printers, copiers, etc that have served me well, that's what make this issue doubly frustrating.  -  FR

Canon will probably offer to sell you a new printer (for more than you could get it for yourself) and try to convince you its a good deal.  Smiley LOLSmiley LOLSmiley LOL

Always hate to see corporate ripoffs by companies we used to trust.


Although in the UK, I thought I'd add myself to the very long list of people with the UO52 error. I have the MP610 which has given me great service since I bought it in 2010. Mostly reliable, good quality,  and has served my needs really well. Yesterday, I left it happily printing three 30 odd page documents and returned to find an orange light and U052 on the screen. 

Like everyone else, tried the fixes (you can't really call them fixes, as they don't actually fix anything; I think of them more as "false hopes") and now my printer is trashed. Maybe shows the wifi aspect to be a bit of a red herring,  and I know mine is 5 years old, but reading the posts it doesn't seem to be a probelm that is linked to age or wear.


Having read this thread and seen Google awash with this issue, it seems I have a product that met my needs well but unfortunately has a designed in self destruct mechanism. Of course, I also have spare ink tanks that I now cannot use either.

That this problem has been going on for years without effective resolution is a disgrace on the part of Canon. 

I am living in Ireland and I would also like to join the list of people with the U052 error. I have the MP970 and was printing a few A4 pages of text and out of the blue it stopped to find the dreaded U052 error message on the screen. Again like others I have tried some of the fixes but it seems once Canon sees a fault it will not allow you to change it.


If this was because of over use or misuse I would have no issue but I can say the fault is not as a result of over use or misuse as I just have it beside the computer at home. This is without a doubt a software problem and based on the threads alone it is obvious Canon have been aware of it for years and failed to address it. It begs the question have Canon been aware of this from the start. One can see how advantageous it is for them to ignore it. I have a concern that we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. If it is a Canon software problem what other Canon products has it affected.


I have been a user of Canon products for many years as far back as 1970/80's when I was proud to have a (and still have) Canon AE1 SLR camera when Canon had a great reputation for quality and customer care and have recommended their products many times.


I have now become very concerned about Canon and its way of doing business. If these threads and the other comments to be found on Google are anything to go by I will not be investing in Canon products in the future.


I say to Canon shame on you admit your mistakes fix them before it is too late.


I have the MX892.  The U052 Error Code about the wrong print head occured today after 1.5 years of using the printer.  I tried all the suggestions.  Nothing worked.  It doesn't sound like there is much hope in spending any more time trying to fix it.


Very disappointing.

there is a class action suit for the u052 code problem started last aug and settles this nov. there are about 37,000 complaints

Wonderful news.

Power to the people!

Always hate to see corporate ripoffs by companies we used to trust.

I guess it's not possible to add your name if you are in the UK?


It may be too late anyway.


Oh, I thought it said above it settles in November, I took that to mean November 2015, have I misunderstood?


ETA: What was the outcome, if it has already been settled, did Canon have to pay compensation and if so what did they pay? What was the identified problem causing the error message?


ETA: That's weird, the post I was replying to seems to have disappeared!

There have been several lawsuits filed and I think at least one is still gathering evidence.   One that has finished ended up with Canon never admitting any liability but they had to "extend the customers' waranty by 9 months or offer a moderate amount of cash discount against another printer.   I can't be more specific because any time someone mentions it their posting is deleted.  For more info you will have to consult your old friend Google.  Try "class action lawsuit, Canon, U052".  The internet is full of it. 

Always hate to see corporate ripoffs by companies we used to trust.