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Call to Arms for the dreaded U052 Wrong Printhead Error


This is a "call to arms" for all of you Canon customers who have had this problem and have had their printers disabled because of it.  Please respond with the model of your printer and if you were able to fix it, what you did to fix it. 


We need to put pressure on Canon to respond this product defect.  It appears to be bad firmware that does not allow the user to override the problem and to continue to use the printer even in a degraded mode.  From my investigations the problem is NOT a printhead issue - no way one can be printing fine and then have this error alert without having changed the printhead or ink cartridges!


Canon, PLEASE take this issue seriously and provide a solution across the affected models.  If nothing else there should be a trade-in allowance for those printers that have been affected by this product defect.


I have had many Canon printers because they have superior functional specifications. I want to be able to continue using Canon products but only if I can have confidence that this product defect will not destroy my investment.


If Canon is unresponsive our next step should be to aggressively publisize this product defect on social media and on major product vendor outlet sites as negatives reviews.


Forum Users, please reply with your affected model number(s) and with details of any succdessful fix procedure.

1,478 REPLIES 1,478

One primary objective for any long lasting organization is to satisfy its customers and that satisfaction can be quantified in the quality of the product that the organization produces and the ability to recognize and correct your problems.

i.e. Six Sigma and it's continuous improvement model


Some of these idealistic business virtues have been lost due to legal liabilities and the fear of losing one's highly paid job if not the devastation that could be caused by admitting there is a known error.


Time will only tell what the right decision was on Canon's part in addressing this matter. As an outside observer I see the mounting list of Former Canon Loyalist who now have switched to other printer Manufacturers. And there is no real way of determining the effect of these comments and feeling except by analyzing orders coming in from valued resellers who may only order new Canon printers should their existing stock decline based on new purchases.  There will be fewer new purchases if the word is revealed that the Printers experience a catastrophic error when the warranty expires because of some integrated error or a possible ink sucking/filled ink pad issue.


Canon like any major business organization needs to protect its market share in this printer sector and these disgruntled owners, of who I'm one of, may only seem like a small blip on the radar screen. But to Canon: We only represent a small portion of the owners who have experienced this problem. I'm sure that there are multitudes more who have also experienced it but don't have the insight to check the internet, address their concern and dismay on this forum or simply

chalk it up to a poorly made printer.


I think reputation is important. And Canon wants to revive what was once a stellar reputation in the printer sector.


Sometimes the tough decisions are the most difficult ones.

Hopefully someone will realize that and you don't end up like Olympus!




Its frustrating when U052 turns up on an MP970, reporting wrong print head, when all you want to do is scan some photos in a hurry!

Its also frustrating when the possible causes of U052, which in my case morphed into 5200, probably same thing, are not listed anywhere, so that the possible solutions can be addressed. So much for Canon Support. Yes I will email for help but I think I know what the answer will be...........


As a UK user with the same fault and following the posts from across the pond I've contacted Which magazine, a consumer protection group who have a strong European ties as well testing products. Their reply to me says:


"I'd like to thank you for sharing your comments about Canon and the printers they manufacture; your feedback is extremely appreciated. I've passed your comments to our Technology Research and Editorial team for consideration as they're always interested to hear from members. Reader feedback really does shape the content of the magazine and website, and the more requests we get to look at something, the greater the consideration it will receive".


I joined the U052 club this morning with my MG5220. I attempted to fix it by following proposed solutions. Nada. This has all the appearance of a typical programmed absolecence set by the industry. Especially the field of printers. Low cost of printer, high cost of cartridges, then after some short period of time a firmware 'popup' telling you to put your device in trash can and buy a new one.


Count me in too -  just got the U052 error on my mp530. Just got new cartriges too! Tried everything that i've managed to find. Anyone have any other tips?


Another one to add.... MP610 dead after being 4 days unplugged and not using it (it worked fine until last time I unplugged it).


Tried everything and nothing works, cleaned the printhead, the copper connectors, everything, subsitution of cartridges and no results overall... U51 first, then OK and U52 appearing (if not appearing directly U52).


The joke is that it works, and the connections works, as the cartridges won't turn their LED on if there was no energy or a misfunction on the connectors. Furthermore even it says the printhead is not installed the printer is able to spend ink, as each time I close the cover, it does the typical cleaning movements and when I take it back, it has ink on them.


This is absolutely a way to make you throw your printer even it's in perfect conditions. I'm sure. I would understand it failing if something happened (trapped papers or anything like these), but can't figure out how can it be broken without even pluggin it to the electricity!!! IT'S BEEN OFF AND IT FAILS. WTF?


Stopped using Epson and HP due to similar problems of obsolescense which were demonstrated, though Canon would be different but I'm seeing they're not. The same **bleep** as the other ones, and no service taking care of it.


And the worst thing is that it blocks your printer entirely. I was going to scan today and I wasn't even able to do it.




In reporting my U052 problem to this forum last week, I also advised I would email a request to Canon Australia for tech support with respect to my specific U052 problem, but that I suspected a less than useful answer. I thought their response might brighten your day (for the wrong reasons).


"Thank you for contacting Canon Customer Support.


It is indicated that you have resulted to remove a hardware of the machine and the last basic step for troubleshooting is already done. i highly suggest to have the machine check on the nearest Canon customer Service provider."


They also kindly advised a phone number and the name of a real person further assistance....I'll keep you posted.



Dear Canon,


The printhead affects all of the functionalities of my MG5320 copier, scanner and printer. So now here I am with a $400.00 electriity consumption device and my only recourse is to give you another $100.00 to order a new printhead? I'm not sure how much this item cost for your company to produce but I imagine it is substantially lower.  I honestly hope there's something being done to take care of this issue that has obviously impacted so many of your valued customers.  Thank you for your consideration and have a great day.



Josh Wells

Unfortunately, Canon only comes here to delete some messages but ignores us all and won't help. If you try to post on their FB or email them they will remove and ignore as well. Great customer service!


The dreaded error message just popped up yesterday on our Pixma MX892 printer.  We've gone through all the steps, including reseating, unplugging, etc several times.  Even replaced all the cartridges.  If this is a firmware problem with numerous Pixma models, is there any point to our buying and installing a new printhead?


What really torques me, as others have said, is that we can't even scan.  The "all-in-one" is now the none-in-one.


What to do?


