Camera Software
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Resolved! Canon D70

Hi as a newbe in this forum, I wonder if you can help.I cannot get my computer to recognise my D70 this, despite loading all the included software. any help would be welcome.Thanks

ZoomBrowser - Has Canon dropped support for it?

I still use and love ZoomBrowser for viewing all of my photos, why you ask? Photos look super sharp in them, especially the Canon photos and it can view any type of JPG which is handy. I know that I can use the ImageBrowser but I don't like that I ha...

Photog82 by Contributor
  • 4 replies

Viewing RAW files

I use a Canon 50D and take my photos in both a JPEG and RAW format. When I download them onto my PC, I can see the JPEG, but not the RAW files. I have Windows 7 64-bit OS. I also downloaded the Canon Codec RAW software, but that only works for 32 bit...

civona by Apprentice
  • 11 replies

DPP metadata and keywords

Hello, I'm sorry if this question has been asked a lot already, but the search function doesn't work very well. I'm wondering if DPP allows us to edit the keywords on .CR2 files? If it doesn't, how does everyone do a search for files?  Thanks,J

Resolved! Owner's Manual on Computer

  Yesterday I downloaded the Owner's Manual for my PowerShot  A1400 camera.  Today it is gone.   What do I have to do to keep the Manual on the hard drive of my computer ?

lomado by Apprentice
  • 5 replies

EOS digital software installation

I recently purchased an iMac and i need to install the software that came with my Rebel XTi on this new computer. I have the CDs but cannot use them with the iMac. Does someone know if the software can be downloaded?

ncodina by Apprentice
  • 2 replies

Utility software issue on OS X 10.7

Hi- I have recently purchased the EOS 60D and am interested in using the Utility software that comes with it. I am trying to download the update for OS X 10.7 and I get all the way to having the disc image "EU2.13.40" mounted and once I open that and...

EOS Utility update issue

Hi all. I recently purchased a Canon 600D and I wanted to start experimenting with timelapses. I have done timelapses before using a 450D and the Canon EOS Utility, which I found to be perfect for what I needed. I have installed the EOS Utility that ...

Eos utility

Can you explain to me why the eos utility unable to download picture from the camera to the computer. I should like why canon is having this or is just the disk i have.

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