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How to download EOS Remote outside of North America?

HI Everyone, I'm upgrading my phone next week,  I had EOS Remote installed on my last phone a few years back.  However, I currently live in the Caribbean on an Island called Trinidad and Tobago.  The last time I tried downloading this app outside of ...

Suipeter by Contributor
  • 2 replies

EOS Utility & 60D Display Mode?

When I select Zoom, 2 Display Mode buttons show up in EOS Utility. One is a Camera button which switches to a quality suited to focusing while viewing the camera's LCD monitor. The other is a Computer button which switches to a quality suited to focu...

dashtwo by Apprentice
  • 0 replies

7Dm2 image not rotating on PC

Hi, I'm having an issue with my pictures not auto rotating on my PC. I have my 7Dm2 set to rotate on PC only (same setting as on my 7Dm1). I use the EOS Utility 3.1.00 to download the images to my hard drive and DPP to process them. If I sho...

RPAspey by Contributor
  • 6 replies

Digital camera solution disk will not install on MS Vista

Initial installation on gift machine with MS Vista was fine. Months after a reinstall the Digital camera solution disk 28.2 for Canon A340 will not install on mchine, but installed fine on a Win 7 machine. The installation goes up until it starts ins...

Resolved! how to keep liveview on in my pc using EOS Utilty 2

I just installed EOS Utility 2 on my macbook air and am pairing it with my T3i camera, when I go into Liveview through my pc, it keeps shutting off after 15 seconds or so.Is there any way to keep this on?I keep having to click 'Depth of Field' previe...

Liveview shot.tif

Taking images from Win XP to Mac and losing keywords.

Hi there! I have images (from my 60D) carrying comments, keywords and ratings added by Zoom Browser EX. Change hardware to a Mac with OSX 10.9.4, download and install software, which includes Image Browser 6.7.11(8L) Copy images to the Mac, view in I...

Geoff_S by Apprentice
  • 3 replies

Canon Digital Solutions Disk

I purchased me the T1i for Christmas and downloaded the software for it off canon's website. Well after the install it tells me: Installation was stopped. Some of the programs may not work properly. Please try reinstalling the software. Well I checke...

Picture Style Editor - Curve Input Value

Hi there,I've been trying to create a Picture Style on Canon's Picture Style Editor, but when trying to create a curve, the lowest input value I can use is "1" rather than "0", like in Photoshop: PhotoshopPicture Style EditorCan anyone tell me why, a...

Photoshop.jpg PSE.jpg

zoombrowser error editring movies

 Trying to edit a movie but after I press save it ends with windows message "Zb Module has stopped working." I've had no issues with downloading and viewing pictres.

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