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Using DPP in workflow with other photo software


I learned from a Canon Live Learning instructor that it is a good idea to first open a RAW file using DPP, and then saving it in a lossless format (for example TIFF) and then continuiing in the editing workflow with the file that was saved.  This is because DPP understands data specific to Canon equipment that third party software may not fully understand.  Thus they recommend not opening the RAW file directly in a third party program.


My work is not too detailed, so I may not fully appreciate all the differences, but certainly there are some items like the focus points that DPP shows, that other software is unable to show, so that is useful for me. 


Since you have Luminar consider this workflow:


1. Configure Preferences to apply “0” sharpening and noise reduction. 

2. Open your RAW file in Edit Image. 

3. Apply Neutral Picture Style. 

4. Apply DLO and other lens correction options. 

5. Go to Batch Process option (a batch can be one image). 

6. The last option under batch will allow you to export a TIFF into Luminar and have Luminar start up. 

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

View solution in original post


Could you share the link to the tutorial?

I cannot insert a URL in the forum. But do a web search for "canon europe dpp tutorial" and you'll find it.

Thanks! I found it.


Rising Star

My personal experience is that DPP does a much better job with RAWS at the start of your workflow.  Other progs I have tried did an inferior job with camera/lens specifics such as chromatic aberation etc.
