Taking images from Win XP to Mac and losing keywords.


Hi there! I have images (from my 60D) carrying comments, keywords and ratings added by Zoom Browser EX.


Change hardware to a Mac with OSX 10.9.4, download and install software, which includes Image Browser 6.7.11(8L)


Copy images to the Mac, view in Image Browser. Comments and ratings are visible, keywords are not.


I thought that 'Edit, Keyword, Manage, Restore Keyword List' would scan images and build the list. It did not, reporting "The keyword to be added could not be found."


Am I doing something wrong? Has this been discussed elsewhere?


Thanks in advance.



This applies directly to Zoom Browser on a new machine, but maybe the technique will help you.



John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Thanks! Will see if that does the trick and let you & the community know.

OK - so it looks like a file access issue.


<linux / Mac geek hat on>

$ ls -l zb4metadata.info

-rwxr-xr-x@ 2 me  staff  10452 Nov 28 10:19 zb4meta.info

$ ls -l IMG_0036*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 me  staff  22836903 Nov 19 16:55 IMG_0036.CR2
-rwxr-xr-x  1 me  staff   5220887 Nov 19 16:55 IMG_0036.JPG


So that '@' looks like the problem. It stops the file zb4meta.info even showing up on a standard Mac Finder window - let alone be accessed by any application.


<linux / Mac geek hat off>


Will keep you posted!
