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EOS VR Utility Error When Trying To Export



 I keep getting this error message on multiple files that I have tried to export. Each file plays fine and has no issues, but every time I try to export, this message pops up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


Product Expert
Product Expert

Greetings K-Jerzyk-Photo

I'm unsure of which settings you're using to export the file with the EOS VR Utility but let's try H.264 4:2:0 MP4 8-bit to see if this helps with the export issue you're experiencing.


I am also having this problem when trying to export to any of the ProRes codecs.  When will Canon have a fix for this?

I'm also having the same issue.  After my tenth call, I was finally notified that even though I'm paying for a subscription for this software, it WILL NOT work with any Apple Silicon computers. Meaning all the new mac computers.  Nice to know.  So, now I have purchased a $2000 lens and am being forced to pay a monthly subscription for a software that won't work and they have no timeline for when they'll update it.  Would be super to know before you buy. a $2000 product that it's not compatible with new Macs.  Maybe a sticker would help?  Argggg....


did you found a solution for this??

Hello AmadeusHiller,

Are you using the latest version of the software? It should be 1.5.10 for Windows or 1.5.11 for MAC.

I did. It was waiting for a long period of time until Canon finally got around to supporting the format that their camera captures.  As of fairly recently the VR Utility will support RAW ProRes.

Hey John, thank you for your message. I’ve double-checked, and I am indeed using version 1.5.11 for Mac, as recommended. The issue has never occurred before, and all clips are in RAW format, ranging between 600GB and 1TB. The problem arises with just two specific clips. In DaVinci Resolve, the files play back as RAW without any issues. Stitching initially works fine, but the error occurs during the final seconds of rendering. Let me know if you have any insights or recommendations to resolve this. Best regards, Amadeus
