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DPP4 version 4.9.20 Hangs Frequently Becomes Unusable


I updated to DPP version 4.9.20 on a Windows 10 PC with 32 GB Ram and found that after several minutes of use DPP would pause or hang for a couple of seconds and the Windows spinning circle warning would display. This pausing would happen repeatedly every couple of seconds making DPP almost unusable. The Windows Resource Monitor showed that the amount of memory under Working Set increases from around 977,000 KB to around1,500,000 KB for DPP4 as DPP goes from no problem to repeated pausing. I uninstalled DPP 4.9.20, rebooted and reinstalled the old version DPP4, 4.6.30 but still had the same problem with the constant pausing and increasing use of memory even though this version worked without a problem on this computer. Canon's technical support had not heard of the problem and was of no help. Has anyone else expericenced this problem and come up with a solution?



I may have good news! As with so many others, I have also been observing these maddening symptoms on my desktop PC and my studio PC from DPP4 Version 4.7 on through the first release of 4.10. Both machines are Win7/SSD/8Core/32GB RAM/4GB Nvidia graphics (fast with Photoshop). Yesterday I uninstalled DPP4 4.10. and installed (latest release) on both computers. I returned to my winter project of copying family photo album prints. So far NO PROBLEMS! I am running NirSoft FileActivityWatch on both machines and so far the file activity LOOKS NORMAL. Is it time to break out the champagne and toast the Canon programmers for FINALLY fixing DPP4? Please post your observations after trying for yourself. Thanks!



I gave the latest version a good workout last night and this morning running about 600 photos through it that I shot at a pair of soccer games yesterday afternoon and last night using my 1DX and 1DX 2 bodies and quite a few of these were shot in dark conditions with lots of noise processing done.  Absolutely NO crashes or glitches so hopefully this will be the way DPP continues to work in the future.  They even addressed my pet peeve that has been in the last several revisions where after applying a recipe to a directory of raw files when you chose to edit a file, the first time it would always bring up the last file in the directory no matter which file was selected.


Some processing still seems a bit slow and hopefully newer versions speed that up a bit.  Applying digital lens correction and then following up with auto gamma (or any major manual changes with the various sliders) results in a fairly lengthy (maybe 10 seconds) working period.  During this time, both CPU and graphics process utilization is very low and everything is running of a SSD so I am not sure what the bottleneck is but it would be nice to see that reduced.  Actual conversion of RAW to JPG or TIFF is very fast but waiting for it to finish to see the final results is still a bit laggy. But otherwise I am very pleased with the latest update.



EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video

Hi Rodger. Thanks for sharing your valuable observations. You are giving the new version a much more rigorous workout than me so this is great news. And yes, I still notice some annoying delays as well... The most annoying are the lags and the "hunting" that occurs in the updating of the image when adjusting editing controls. The code and algorithms are probably not as efficient as the Adobe products but I don't mind. I am just so dang happy I don't have to go back to DPP3!

Hi Bruce,


Thank you because I hadn't checked for updates in a few days so it was great to see your post and get the update before the latest round of photo processing.   


I shot three games in a tournament last weekend and DPP did its out of memory error crash over a dozen times before I quit counting while processing photos from those games and each "out of memory" crash occured with around 5% of system RAM in use.  After I installed the latest version I tried to get it to crash by running digital lens correction followed by auto gamma and then radical test adjustments for noise reduction and none of those created any bad behavior.



EOS 1DX M3, 1DX M2, 1DX, 5DS R, M6 Mark II, 1D M2, EOS 650 (film), many lenses, XF400 video

I have updated to, (running on a i7-8700K @3.7GHz, 16GB Ram, WIN10 Pro v 1809 17763.503 and an NVIDIA  GTX 1050 Ti @3840x2160 60Hz) and i still have the same problem as with any DPP 4. 

When i start up DPP, everything works as expected. But as soon as i try any save action where i use the pull down menu for changing folders, the spinning wheel will occur briefly approximately once every second (i clocked 20 wheels in 24 seconds) until i stop and restart the program again. I will still be able to do things, but it is keeps the CPU busy and it is super annoying.    -- Update: The same happens if i hit the "This PC" button in the same dialogue window. 

(The toggling wheel spin action will occur regardless of whether i actually save anything or not, it is easily demonstrated by taking an arbitrary image and press "Save as" and then click on the drop down meny right next to the word "Save in". Having done that the program goes into an endless loop of wheel spinnning regardless of whether i cancel everything else. The same will happen in any case where i use the same drop down menu function (Whether it is convert and save/ batch processing etc). 

As far as i know this has been the case with all versions of DPP 4 ive had (on two different PCs), but it is now that i first had the time to find out what actually started it. 

BTW, starting DPP as administrator does not change anything (it happens all the same), or trigger any system dialogue on this.

Sounds like file I/O. Try running NirSoft FileActivityWatch in the background to actually see what DPP4 is up to when you get the spinners.

@yhafting wrote:

BTW, starting DPP as administrator does not change anything (it happens all the same), or trigger any system dialogue on this.

Try changing the startup folder to one that does not contain images.  Make the change in Windows Media Player, too.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Changing the startupfolder doesn't work. Actually changing the startup folder requires that i push "browse" which also starts this spinning wheel thing. 

I am a bit sceptical to install software to monitor my file system activities as BruceB suggests. Looking at the resource monitor and the task manager, it seems it is DPP causing the problem all the way. It doesnt seem to me that anything in particular is stored when it starts doing this. 

No install, it is a free standing executable.
