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I am unable to get this thing to print even remotely correct.  I have printed a calibration image and it is clearly quite off. the blacks are all solid black, no squares, same with whites.  I have gone through surreal amounts of paper and ink and alw...
I have uninstalled and reinstalled updated version (had same problem with previous version), new driver etc., of PPL and the printer.  I am connected via USB, I have tried ICC profile as well as driver matching.  I am printing watercolor paintings th...
I am using the pattern option very carefully but continuously get prints that are extremely saturated.  I do NOT have photoshop or any other plug in software.  I have been using Affinity on scanned files of watercolor paintings.  I am using Photo Pap...
I want to use it to make prints for watercolors and I keep either getting an error message or the print colors are bad ETC ETC. This thing does much more than I need, I just need to learn some basics.  Laura[Removed mention of pay, as financial trans...
Using PPL and when go to print get message of error on panel. Using Canon photo matte letter size paper.on the printer panel, I Cannot change from "Template" paper.I also get the message that this paper does not have wide margins and change to a pape...