Hi I have A canon rebel T3 with 75 to 300mm f/4 5.6 lens. I currently have it to 300mm . How do I get it to Focus? Because when I look in the eye piece it’s blurry
I currently have a canon Rebel t3 with a new SD 256gb. When I went to put the chip in to my MacBook using an adapter ( to look at my photos) it’s unable to read the chip & now I can’t access my photos. Also when I put the chip back into the camera it...
Hi everyone, I am new to photography and I am looking to get a new Canon camera. I’ll be taking pictures of wildlife that are several hundreds of feet away. I’m looking to spend no more than $1000 any good suggestions?
Hi Y’all what is a Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM Super Telephoto Lens for Canon? What do they mean by EF ? is 400 mm good? I am trying to take pictures of wildlife now far away. I have a canon rebel T3. I am looking for a good lens that will capture wild...