I want to put my SX70 on a tripod, but I can't find a mounting plate which screws into the bottom of the camera and is then mounted on the tripod. I did not see this part on the Canon website. Does anyone use a tripod with the SX70?
My SX70 freezes occasionally. I first hear 3 quick beeps then the screen freezes. I have to open the battery compartment and partially pull out the battery for 10 seconds before putting it back in. Sometimes it happens when I accidentally point it ...
I used to have a small plate that screwed into the bottom of the camera, then that plate would slide into a locked position on the tripod. I also have another tripod (Precision) that has a clamp.
I purchased the camera new.-Canon battery-Sandisk Extreme Pro 128gb SDXCI have not tried to troubleshoot this - other than resetting the camera, what can I do? I don't want to do a reset because I doubt it will work but also because I spent many mon...
I have had the SX70 for 6 months now, and had to work through the same problems. Here are some of my findings--I use Spot AF which is the smallest focus point and Servo AF-I disabled Continuous AF-I use Tv=1/1000 to capture wildlife movement because...