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I have a Canon t7 camera.  One that I have had for approx. 2 years.  Today after taking photos I went to remove the chip from the camera and it would only come out a couple of mm.  I was able to remove it eventually. The chip that I removed from the ...
I have a Canon EOS Rebel T7 which I am very happy with.  I bought at the beginning of the year a Sigma C 150 - 600 mm lens for photographing birds. I have been thinking of getting a teleconverter  (1.4 x vs 2 x) to go with the current set up that I h...
I am hoping that someone can help me on this, I have a Canont T7 Camera that seems to work great.  When I put the camera in manual mode, then use the auto focus the camera focuses but the point of focus if I have all nine selected, none show up.   If...
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