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Canon Speedlites....


I've just bought a 5D3 and included a 600 RTII EX flashgun in the purchase.  However, I have also a a 270ex II which I purchased for use with my G3X.  Just for the hell of it, I tried this smaller flash on the 5D3. I tried in Manual setting the shutter to 1/250, and F to 4.5 and varous other settings. I noticed that the shutter reverts to 1/200 sec when shutter button is pressed halfway. is this normal? I thought that the flash would sync at 250?  I have to add that I am away from base so have been unable to try the 600RT II to assume that the smaller flash will not sync in the same way. Or do I have it wrong somehow?


@TheRogue wrote:

I've just bought a 5D3 and included a 600 RTII EX flashgun in the purchase.  However, I have also a a 270ex II which I purchased for use with my G3X.  Just for the hell of it, I tried this smaller flash on the 5D3. I tried in Manual setting the shutter to 1/250, and F to 4.5 and varous other settings. I noticed that the shutter reverts to 1/200 sec when shutter button is pressed halfway. is this normal? I thought that the flash would sync at 250?  I have to add that I am away from base so have been unable to try the 600RT II to assume that the smaller flash will not sync in the same way. Or do I have it wrong somehow?

Check your manual; the sync speed on a 5D3 is indeed 1/200 sec. I'm pretty sure some Canon APS-C cameras (the 7D, for instance) do sync at 1/250. But remember that the shutter curtains have farther to travel on a full-frame camera.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Yeah Bob, cheers for that. I would certainly have checked the manual had it not been 40 miles away. But you have rested my fears that I was doing something wrong.

@TheRogue wrote:

Yeah Bob, cheers for that. I would certainly have checked the manual had it not been 40 miles away. But you have rested my fears that I was doing something wrong.

The manual is only a short download away.


Go to that link, and navigate your way to the 5D3 support page.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Erm, yep! But being on Xmas leave, and not wanting to appear rude with family and friends etc,  by surfing the net, downloading manuals and solving what turned out to be a minor issue the long way round, I thought, "I know, I'll post a quick question on the Canon forum and no-one will even notice." And hey ho, there it was - an almost instant answer! Job done!

@TheRogue wrote:

Erm, yep! But being on Xmas leave, and not wanting to appear rude with family and friends etc,  by surfing the net, downloading manuals and solving what turned out to be a minor issue the long way round, I thought, "I know, I'll post a quick question on the Canon forum and no-one will even notice." And hey ho, there it was - an almost instant answer! Job done!

Well, I can't quarrel with your result. You were lucky enough to encounter someone who owns a 5D3 and had already downloaded the manual. But I'd be at a loss to try to explain why logging into the forum should offend your family and friends less than going to the regular Canon site. Mine must be more clueless than yours, as I doubt they'd be likely to even notice the difference.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Just in case you don't know, you can switch to high speed sync (on the flash) to overcome the 1/200 limitation. It comes at a cost (less light output) but works rather well for most cases.
Diverhank's photos on Flickr

I think its more the time spent downloading, tracking the problem, working it out and finding the solution, being rude,  Vs asking the question here and getting the answer. If no answer had been forthcoming then I would have waited until a less 'social' time of the year and done it the hard way.

No High Speed Sync on on the 270EX!

That doesn't surprise me!  I don't really need high speed sync with the 270ex II  - I wouldn't even normally use it at all on the 5D3. I was just having a play round. 1/200 is fine, IF I ever needed to use it!
