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Rust in Peace

For many years, I had been intrigued by this forlorn-looking REO truck rusting by the roadside.  Finally, I took the time to stop and capture an image of it.  This formerly hard-working truck now rusts in peace alongside State Highway 49 in Poy Sippi...

REO truck rusting in Poy Sippi WIS - May 20 2023 - 1104 - X7 2048.jpg

Cat Hiding in Laundry Hamper

Just as I finished emptying the laundry hamper, the cat decided to jump into the empty hamper for reasons that only the cat can understand.  She stayed put just long enough for me to grab my 5Ds, ease my aging body down to the floor, and grab about f...

Kitty hiding in a laundry hamper - X7 2048.jpg


The langur monkeys were going crazy with their alarm calling, an indication of a predator on the move. They didn't fail us. The tigress walked out from the thicket into the clearing. Canon EOS 5d Mark III, Canon 400mm f/2.8. Shutter 1/800, f/2.8, ISO...

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