The Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) is a species known for its striking appearance and fascinating behavior. This photograph was taken at La Minga Ecolodge, near Cali, Colombia, a biodiverse haven in the Andean foothills. The lodge is surr...
This photograph of the Steely-vented Hummingbird (Saucerottia saucerottei) was taken at La Minga Ecolodge, near Cali, Colombia, a region known for its rich biodiversity and commitment to conservation. The bird, with its radiant green feathers and str...
The female Speckled Hummingbird (Adelomyia melanogenys) is a small, beautifully marked species native to the cloud forests of the Andes. During my visit to La Minga Ecolodge near Cali, Colombia, situated at 1,988 meters above sea level, I encountered...
I shot this photo some years ago in Paris with a SL-1 and 18-55 lens. This small camera and lens set was perfect for travel. When it rained I was actually able to put the whole set inside my coat. Since it was shot in RAW, I converted it to B&W a...
My biggest piece of advice is to shoot what you are interested in. If you're interested in cars, shoot cars. If you are interested in animals, shoot animals. If you are interested in blue, shoot everything blue. If you like people, do portraits. The...
It was a pleasure shooting for such a down to earth guy. Music was great but the vibes were better! Chase Rice at Jimmys Famous TailGOAT !
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