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Taken in the Panamint Valley of Death Valley with a SL1 and 70-200f4 L lens.  This shot was originally color.  I decided to experiment and process the RAW file in B&W.  
I took this shot from the summit of Mt. Pemiwegasett, in the White Mountains of New Hampshire using a 5DIV and 24-105L lens
Taken at Arches National Park a while ago.  I was drawn to the scene by the color harmony between the orange-reddish colors of the rock from sunset and the deepening blue sky as late afternoon came to a close. Taken with a 20D with a 17-40 L lens
Taken along the shore of Lake Champlain, Vermont with an R5 and EF 24-105 L lens.
Taken in Cap del la Hague, Normandy, France with a Canon Rebel SL1 and 18-55-S lens.