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Grand Lake, Colorado

I am staying out in Grand Lake, Colorado and I woke up yesterday morning and it was spectacular out! Soft blanket of glittery snow. 

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BOAS Image (Bird on a stick)

BOAS image (Bird on a stick.) This image was created by clamping a lichen covered stick up next to a single port bird feeder that is just out of the image frame. Lovely Steller's Jay from Mendocino County, Northern California, USA. This image was cre...


Raptor - American Kestrel

The first 2 shots of the American Kestrel was shot at a local park. Saw it from a distance and I was able to get close enough to get some shots. It's giving me the side eye because he knows I'm there.  The 3rd shot of the American Kestrel was shot at...

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JPS_ by Enthusiast
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Fire Attack Demo

A takeaway from the OCFA (Orange County Fire Authority) Open House. It was a great opportunity for the public to see all the work that goes into what these brave men, women and even dogs do. I decided to mix things up a little bit with my signature s...
