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Share your wildlife photography!


Have you snapped an incredible photo of wildlife? Post a favorite photo you've taken and share the story behind the image. Be sure to include the Canon gear you used!


About this photo: 

Camera: Canon PowerShot G3 X

Exposure Time: 1/125

ISO: 400

F-stop: 6.3                          



338 REPLIES 338

Ya right! I don't think so.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

@cicopo wrote:

Ya right! I don't think so.

Click on the Kudos icon, and you can view who gave you the Kudo. 

A few of the regulars seem to assign two points per Kudo click, too, myself included.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@cicopo wrote:

Ya right! I don't think so.

:)...Seriously, though, not sure how this site calculates it but for certain members, their kudos are worth more (2 or 3 times), according to this FAQ.  My kudo weight is also 2...I guess it's based on number of comments one's made.


Diverhank's photos on Flickr

Thanks to both of you. I most certainly wasn't expecting that &confess to not having looked into it. Hank I'm off to Cozumel for another dive trip in Feb. Time for a bit of underwater photography & warm sun.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."


Long time, no post. A few more hand-held, no cropping.



Brown Pelican


California Sea Lion


Red-shouldered Hawk


Great Blue Heron


Black-crowned Night Heron


Canon SX50 Gallery


Tony Britton Photography


Excellent work on all of these, Tony!  That seal photo is especially beautiful.  Love the dramatic lighting and shadows on it!


Thanks for showing everyone how you #CanonBringIt!

@Danny wrote:

Excellent work on all of these, Tony!  That seal photo is especially beautiful.  Love the dramatic lighting and shadows on it!


Thanks for showing everyone how you #CanonBringIt!

The Canon SX 50 is such an amazing little camera, especially in the hands of such a talented photographer.

Thank you very much, Tom. I really appreciate your comment.


Thank you very much, Danny.


Great shots, I really love the eye color of the Birds. Thank you for sharing with the community.



