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Canon R40 scanner Twain error


I have an R40 scanner, love it - except --!!

after about a day or so of working fine, any usage gives the error:

"An error has occurred within the TWAIN driver, [Error 80FF0001]"

The only solution seems to be to reboot windows, and then all is fine again, for awhile. (Windows-64)

This basically makes it unusable - I can't reboot every time I need to use it.

Emails and calls to Cannon technical support have not helped. After two rounds of the typical "reinstall...", they sent some patch, which did not help. This seems to be a known problem in user reports and the Cannon support staff, but no solutions.

Anyone have any hints for this?


Changing from hub to direct USB - no effect.


I'm replying onto this to also mention I'm experiencing the issue. Updated to the driver released on 12/11 and re-installed the scanner. Still getting the same issue. Is there no official statement from Canon regarding this? 

Nothing useful. See earlier note about a patch, which did not solve anything for me.

Their customer support always says - "call us", but then they really don't have anything specific to report or respond.


Looks like a couple of posts have been deleted. So rather than fix this issue and stand by their product, they're censoring us? Or am I mistaking what's going on?


I think they are there - just hidden by default - there is a "Load previous Replies button" at th etop.


I'd rather see a "Yes, we understand, and will address this" response. 🙂

I like a suggestion above, post feedback on amazon, or wherever you bought it.


Okay, that's better, I guess, but you're right. How about they just say they're going to help figure it out. We bought their product and just want it to work. Is that so much to ask?


This error happened to me this morning on a colleague's new Win11 computer. I uninstalled all the software and re-installed to no effect. It took me a long time to realise that uninstalling still left an instance of the R40 in the devices folder, the twain driver was trying to use that. Once I had removed that, restarted the computer, re installed the R40 software, all worked fine. I was much relieved as we have a lot of scanning to do. Hope this helps somebody.

Thanks! I'll give that a try!

Well, that didn't work. But still, thank you for sharing. It was worth trying.

Sorry to hear that, hope it manages to help somebody.
