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Canon LIDE 210 Scanner Hangs


Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.. can't find a scanner specific forum


I have been using my LiDE 210 scanner to scan some photos.. and every once and a while, the scanner just hangs in the middle of a scan.  Totally locked up.  I have to use the Windows task manager to force it to quit.  After quitting the application (Canon MP Navigator EX)  and restarting it, it again freezes with a 'scanner warming up' message.  Even unplugging the scanner USB cable and replugging it does not fix the problem.  The only way seems to be to shut down my Windows 8.1 system and restart it. 


Any idea what may be causing this hang, and how to fix it?


I've tried everything in this forum, including the new scanner update. Unfortuantely I still had the exact same issues when I was attempting to scan a document last night.


At this point, I think I am going to throw in the towel and say "screw you Canon!" I can't believe I've put up with this garbage for so long from a supposedly "leader" in technology! There's barely been an acknowledgement of an issue and the solutions being provided by Canon can be found in a dusty 20 year-old support guide for idiots.

We bought this scanner for a new computer wirth Windows 10, and I have the same issue with it hanging up inbetween documents. What's frustrating is that the document may be 10 pages long and I get to number 7 or 8 and have to start again so I can attach them as one document in an email. I find it very frustrating as it takes me two or three more attempts to complete the scan as one full document. (We bought this to use for photos and documents, whereas I think most buy for the photo scanning.)


In April 2016 Canon released version 17.0.5 of their driver for Windows for this scanner.


I just installed it today on my Windows10 64bit and can report that it resolved the 'hang part way into a scan' problem for me.


Prior to this driver I was using (hahahaha) version 17.0.4.


So...  Don't throw your scanner into the dumpster just yet.  Try this latest driver first.


Man Happy

I tried 17.0.5 on 64bit W10 and it seems to have resolved the problem for me. 🙂

I tried the latest driver version 17.0.5 (may 2016) on a Windows 10 anniverary edition 64-bit system. It doesn't work for me. It 'ticks like a clock' when I connect it to the 2.0 usb port on the back of the pc. The lock on the bottom of the scanner is also open so should also not be the problem.


Anyone who can help me?


I found this forum when I started facing issues with Canon LIDE 210 after installing WIn10.


It was working when I upgraded from Win 8.1 to Win 10. But after a Win 10 OS re-install it started

- hanging a long time at warming up scanner message

- and reward my patience with Internal error : 3,20,2/5,20,2 : 19 etc


***To make it work

I went to the exe shortcut location, right click and goto properties and changed the run in compatibility mode to 'Windows 7'

(under compatibility tab)

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Canon Utilities\MP Navigator EX 4.0


Hope this helps

My Canon LiDE220 began to misbehave a couple of weeks ago.  Similar symptoms.  But surprise, surprise, I have fixed it, and I am a Dummy.


My OS is Windows 10 (64 bit). 


Original installation disc for my CanoScan LiDE 220 was Wionows Version M1.0   (QHZ-6507-01)


I Googled Canon CanoScan LiDE220 driver M1.0 and found - Individual Drivers - Canon CanoScan LiDE220 Driver Version 1.02


Downloaded V 1.02


Removed all of the original Canon apps and disconnected the scanner from the computer.


Opened the downloaded V1.02 and followed the instructions.


My showed sign of life before the installation ended.


There was no Canon icon or shortcut on the desktop so went into Program Files - Canon - and fiddled about and found the necessary bit whch installed a desktop icon which I then moved to my task bar.  It starts the process. 


I hope this helps people with the same problem. 






Hi Pauleduc
Had the same problem - grrr!
Tried driver update, replaced cable, reboot etc etc
Eventually, I discovered that the scanner works fine if I plugged it into an old USB computer port (ie not USB 3.0) and it worked reliably from there (so far anyway 😉  
