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Canon LIDE 210 Scanner Hangs


Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.. can't find a scanner specific forum


I have been using my LiDE 210 scanner to scan some photos.. and every once and a while, the scanner just hangs in the middle of a scan.  Totally locked up.  I have to use the Windows task manager to force it to quit.  After quitting the application (Canon MP Navigator EX)  and restarting it, it again freezes with a 'scanner warming up' message.  Even unplugging the scanner USB cable and replugging it does not fix the problem.  The only way seems to be to shut down my Windows 8.1 system and restart it. 


Any idea what may be causing this hang, and how to fix it?




my w10 pro version was installed last week Wednesday with latest Microsoft, Asus and Canon updates and i however faced the same poor situation than hundreds of common Canon customers.

Did Microsoft issued a major update in between Wednesday and today ?

whiich configuration are you running ?


I have been getting 2, 156, xx errors on Windows 10 for a few weeks now. I replaced my previously faithful old LIDE 210 with a new LIDE 220 but continued to get the same problem. The scanner makes noises and starts to scan but then freezes, sometimes a few pages in, sometimes on the first page.


Since I could find no evidence of a crash in Windows logs, I figured that it was a pure hardware problem, perhaps with the USB power to the scanner. The scanner stops moving and Windows suddenly doesn't know the scanner is there: just like someone pulled out the plug.


So, I wondered how the scanner would behave when my laptop was not plugged in to the mains and was running on battery power. Would the reduced power make the freeze happen sooner? To my surprise, no!, running on battery I can scan as many pages as I want without any problem. Plug the computer in again and the scanner freezes on the next page.


Next I tried scanning with the computer plugged in but after changing my Windows power plan to "Power saver". Again, no freezing. After changing back to my usual power plan, the scanner freezes.


Unplugging the laptop seems to have worked through through turning on some of the power-saving features.


I have tried to identify which of the power-saving features makes the difference. But trying each feature individually doesn't seem to do the job; it needs a combination.


I have now set up a new power plan which makes the laptop use the same power-saving features that are engaged when I unplug my laptop (with the exception of basics such as changing screen brightness, sleep times, etc.) even when it is plugged in. I have written a handy little .cmd file that toggles between the two power plans, can be accessed with one tap on my start screen, and reminds me to change back to my usual power plan once I have finished scanning.


I've been scanning for the past two days without any trouble.



In short, what do suggest you try?


1. If you are using a laptop, temporarily switch to the "Power saver" power plan.


2. If you are using a desktop, you may need to create a new power plan and (perhaps) use "Change settings that are currently unavailable" to access the power-saving options. (I haven't tested this scenario.)



I just wish I had figured this out before buying a new scanner. (If Canon would like to reward me for doing their work for them, I am going to need an imageFORMULA DR-C225W soon.)

Thanks. That solved the problem for me. Canon LiDE 210 now works on my Surface Pro 4 under Windows 10.


Canon, if you are listening, hope to get an updated driver soon.

I have used my LiDE 210 with Windows XP for thousands of scans with no problems.
I then purchased a new computer with Windows 10 and USB 3.0 ports, and loaded MP Navigator 4.0 with the disc that came with the scanner. I then had this problem where the scanner kept freezing either on warm up or during a scan.
Checking the forum I loaded latest drivers and software but to no avail.

The solution was the USB cable. Luckily I had a spare cable. I unhooked the usb cable that came with the scanner and hooked up the new cable.

Problem solved. No further freezes since.

I tried several USB cables, including the one that comes with the scanner, and still get this issue 😞



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You rock.  I've tried every solution suggested on this forum and this is the only one that worked for me.  It's counterintuitive to me but I can't argue with the results.  I'm running Win 10 and I changed my power plan to Power Saver and the scanner has been working for days without fail.  Prior to that change, the scanner would hang frequently making it unusable.  


I don't know why it works but it does.  Thanks much for your post.  


Attention Canon - Your silence and inaction on this ubiquitous problem is absolutely inexcusable.  I've purchased several Canon scanners over the years and have been loyal to the brand.  No more.  My next scanner will NOT be a Canon and i will share my story with others.  

Thanks for the postiive feedback.


I don't know why it works, but it does.

Thanks. It works with my desktop.


I don't  know why canon don't update this software. I have asus z170 pro gaming (i7 6700k).We are a lot of people with this problem of usb 3.0 (asmedia).



 I see now that if you do the changes with power managment. My cpu works at 800mhz and not at 4ghz... 😞




I have always buy canon scanner,..., if I change, it will be an HP :-((
