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Canon LIDE 210 Scanner Hangs


Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.. can't find a scanner specific forum


I have been using my LiDE 210 scanner to scan some photos.. and every once and a while, the scanner just hangs in the middle of a scan.  Totally locked up.  I have to use the Windows task manager to force it to quit.  After quitting the application (Canon MP Navigator EX)  and restarting it, it again freezes with a 'scanner warming up' message.  Even unplugging the scanner USB cable and replugging it does not fix the problem.  The only way seems to be to shut down my Windows 8.1 system and restart it. 


Any idea what may be causing this hang, and how to fix it?


Just to reinforce : CANON your silence and inaction on this ubiquitous problem is absolutely inexcusable. I've purchased several Canon scanners over the years and have been loyal to the brand. No more. My next scanner WILL NOT BE A CANON and i will share my story with others. By the way, I succeeded in discouraging people at the office to replace old Epson scanners with crappy Canon ones. We got instead a dozen of nice working HPs. I recommand as a working alternative to Canon crap.

I am 100% with you! It is absolutely amazing how manny results come up when I search about this issue in Google and the only people who seem to actually be working to resolve this issue are the end users! The whole reason we ever bought Canon was for their reliability, which for the first time in my life, I am calling into question. 


I think the simple solution is to buy an HP as well and I will definitely be steering people away from these scanners. 


If anyone from Canon reads this, if you are trying to find a way to kill this peripheral, you have definitely succeeded. 


I know I'm coming to this party late in the day and I plan to try the power saving 'fix' you guys suggest.


However... I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and became hugely frustrated with the behaviour of my LiDE210 hanging when it used to work fine.  


I saw the rest of the world is having the same problem and saw that there are lots of theories bouncing around as to what the cause is.


New drivers fron Canon are not the solution.  I'm convinced they can't write drivers as far as I can spit.


The only way I could find to have my LiDE210 scanner working the way it used to was to drive it from a Windows XP virtual machine running inside my Windows 10 environment with the version of LiDE software I had on CD from when I bought the scanner in the first place back in 2014.


The only other thing I did was to uninstall all the Canon crap from Windows 10.

I have used Lide scanners for many years now and recently replaced my last one with the 210. My PCs have all been Macs going back to several Mac Minis and now I'm using a MacBook Pro. I'm using and have always used IrfanView running on Windows under Parallels to do my scanning.


It is only since updating to the Lide 210 that I'm facing any problems. 


Your message below has been posted before but it seems to me that you are not really addressing the problem. I don't think that there are so many people who are suddenly having USB problems or people who have suddenly thought it might be fun to use a 30 foot lead. If one or two people were having this problem there might be something wrong with one or two leads but not so many of us.


Please don't ask people to use the Contact Us link as most of us know that we're very unlikely to get a reply. You set up this forum so please use it to interact with your customers and attempt to sort out their problems. By using the forum we can all benefit from your advice.


The problem is that if you don't take this issue seriously you might find that many of us will switch to another manufacturer despite many years of loyally using your products.


"The communication errors that have been desscribed can be related to USB issues with the system.  First, make sure that the scanner is connected directly to your computer rather than through any USB hubs or extension devices.  


Make sure that the cable that was included with the scanner is being used.  However, if the error persists, try using a different cable to narrow down the cause of the error.  


Next, check to make sure that the USB drivers for your system are up to date.  


If the issue persists, check to see if  the scanner will operate consistently on a different computer in order to narrow down the cause of the issue.


If you continue to have difficulties, find more help at Contact Us."

Hi, I'm still running with Windows 7 and have the same problem!

I'm afraid that your reply suggests that you're hoping that the forum will by magic come up with some cobbled together solution (like running laptops solely on battery). Are there any of the suggestions that you would endorse? If so, please tell us as I'm dying to hear it.


What your reply also suggests is that you haven't done a thing about investigating the problem.


I wrote earlier that changing my usb cable and choosing the lower power version on Windows 10 cured the hanging problem. However, this was short lived, as the scanner (Lide 210) still freezes after a few scans. I have now linked the scanner back to my old laptop running windows xp using the canon cable and disc that came with the machine. Absolutely no problems now. I cannot understand why Canon can not come up with a software update to solve this problem. It is ridiculous that I cannot use my Lide 210 with my Lenovo C40-30 running Windows 10. Come on Canon. I have always used your products and thought they were second to none. Now I am not so sure.


For those of you who found my power-saving solution to this problem useful, I thought I would post the handy file I use to change between power plans quickly. (I'm using Windows 10.)


I created a text file as follows:


@echo off
powercfg -s b98e89c9-9648-4a51-8c15-ca353e9c4b60
echo Reduced
powercfg -s 49ef8fc0-bb7f-488e-b6a0-f1fc77ec649b
Echo Dell


and saved it as "Power plan changer.cmd". I then created a shortcut to that file on my start screen.



"Reduced" is the name my power-saving plan; "Dell" is the name of my usual power plan.


The strings after "-s" are the identities of the power plans in the registry. Open "regedit" and navigate to:




to find the correct strings for your power plans.



Running the file engages the power-saving plan. A command prompt window stays open to remind you to change back to your normal plan once you have finished scanning: press any key to switch back and any key again to exit the window.


Once it's done, it's much less hassle than going into settings every time you want to scan.

Driver v17.0.5 is posted.



- The scan error in the certain PC has been rectified.


Maybe this will fix the scanning errorfor good.




I've been having the same problem with a LIDE220 on a Windows 10 laptop with an i7 processor. Error messages, it freezes, etc.


I tried the power saving option but did not work for me - I did notice however that even in power saving mode my processor went up to 1.5 GHz, so maybe there's something in that since it seemed to scan fine when the speed was below 1Ghz, I don't know.


I have found another solution that seems to work for me so far, although I have not yet used it extensively: scan using the free Windows Scan app


[link removed per forum guidelines]


Scanning through this app the scanner has worked fine. I only had one incident when it forze for a while but it seems it was triggered by the scheduled virus scan starting and the app recovered without having to shut anything down. Aside from that I used it for a while without a glitch. I read somewhere that this app does not use the scanner drivers but its own drivers - don't know if this is true.


Anyway, if you are having this problem it's worth a try.
