CanoScan LiDE220 - how to scan at 4800?


Im trying to scan at 4800 resolution in the ScanGear application. I get a message that says scanning cannot be performed unless the crop size, output size or output resolution is reduced to 10208x14032 pixels or less.


What am I doing wrong?


Product Expert
Product Expert



Making scans at very high DPI settings would only be needed when you intend to take something that is very small such as a coin, and enlarge it for printing at a much larger size.  If you are scanning a normal letter sized object, 300-600 DPI should be all that is needed.  If you wished to scan at 4800 DPI, you would need to make a smaller selection of the overall object in order make the scan within the 10208x14032 pixel size limitation.

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Im an artist, Im scanning my artwork. I specifically bought this printer so I could scan at a high resolution.


No, you did not answer my question.

Is it possible to scan at 4800? This was advertised.

Please follow these steps:


1. Please open the IJ Scan Utility.


2. Once open, please click on the Settings button in the lower right corner.


3. Click on "Driver" on the left hand side.


4. Place a check mark next to "Enable large image scans".


5. Click OK.


Please note, when this is enabled, the new limit will be 50000 pixels x 50000 pixels and 4.0 GB.


When this checkbox is not selected, images up to 10208 pixels x 14032 pixels can be scanned.




Hey Patrick. I did as you instructed, but I still get the same error message.


I appreciate you guys trying to help, but it seems like maybe I'll just have to scan in smaller areas at 4800 and stich the work together. 

Hi there, I am having trouble scanning at the full resolution, which I need to do as i'm blowing up some tiny hand painted pieces. I did as instructed above, but the maximum resolution is still set to 600 dpi on all the scanning options. Please help?! 
