XF605 user tips and tricks



Are there any other members here using the new XF605. I would love to start a chat group about tips and tricks and great ideas to get the most out of this great video camera.



I'm using one heavily.  Ask away 🙂

Hi Nick, hope you’re well! I use an XF605 with my brothers for golf channel on YouTube. We shoot CLog3, F2.8-F4.5, fast shutter speeds for the action typically in the range of 1/500-1/1000, and ISO 800. Usually in good sunlight an ND filter or 2. However it feels like our film is pinched and not able to breathe if that makes sense? Would love to hear back about any tips you may have! Thanks,


Hi Sam.  Great camcorder choice!  Are you using the built-in ND filters?  Why the super high shutter speed?  The 180 rule (frame rate/shutter speed ratio) is a rough guideline, but I'm guessing you're far from it.  What framerate are you shooting at?

What do you mean by "pinched and not able to breathe."  Maybe choppy?  If so, that of course would be your super fast shutter, eliminating most motion blur, creating an unnatural look.  Shooting at 1/500 and greater would probably eliminate the need for ND since the effects directly oppose each other.  So you may be losing detail unnecessarily with the large SS light reduction, though your ISO/Gain is almost optimal.

Thanks for the reply! Could I send my video quality compared to the video that we want it to look like? We use the same camera as the channel we want it to look like.

in regards to the fast shutter that is to gain that blocky looking movement. However, if having that fast of ss AND a built in ND filter applied makes detail be lost then I will lower that down closer to 1/200 which has been good for us when used. We shoot at 30 FPS

Also you believe our ISO is correct? 

what we want it to look like - https://youtu.be/Z0JL0rR0Utc?si=LoPPwVSs385L-pDn


what ours looks like - 



Hi Nick, I think I may have figured out why my video was never able to "breathe"! Would it make sense that a standard IS has better quality and more full frame than a dynamic IS? I just flipped from dynamic to standard, and I think I notice a big difference in picture. It seems that dynamic IS starts out a little zoomed in already, making my picture feel pinched and less quality off the bat. Hopefully I'm not crazy, as I think this may have made the difference!

Also the pinched and not able to breathe part, I believe I’m trying to say that maybe the camera is trying too hard to capture every little detail which almost seems to result in not clear/sharp detail. Again hard to explain maybe you’ll see in our film.

Hi Nick! I was just curious if you got around to checking the videos I sent over? Hoping you can help!

Not yet, but I will shortly.  I'm interested and will respond here.
