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imagePROGRAF PRO-1100 Print jobs cancel themselves


I have a ImageProGraf 1100 it's on a wifi network and I connect my Windows 11 Home computer to it via Wifi. It's been working fine. Tonight, I sent it a print job via Professional Print and Layout. PPL shows activity, a print queue appears listing the job. The queue shows standby, sending, and then errors out. I can press the "Show UI" button and see the front panel of the printer. When I go to the job history it shows that the print was cancelled - no other indication of what the issue might be. I've checked the IP address, despite being able to bring up the UI on my PC which would indicate communication. I've rebooted the printer and the PC with no success.

In the process of troubleshooting the issue, I changed the admin password to be able to access the job manager.


@exeter_acres  I just did the same thing.  This happened again with my replacement printer.  Display says "Printing..." and then nothing happens, and then the printer display turns back to "Ready to Print" after nothing.  I Was able to get the printer to do a nozzle check and print its page, without a problem.  


Even though, I and everyone else I know, is afraid to power cycle (off and on) the printer as we expect major ink usage to occur in the re-cycle, after checking the voltage on the power strip which was fine, I decided to unplug the power cord and place into another slot on the power strip (its the only device on the strip)... and it just printed the LAN Settings...  I am hopeful it will print from Lightroom and PC now.. cross fingers.

The Printer is PRINTING again...  YEAH...
