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Canon ImageRUNNER Printer IPP Driver for Windows ARM64


I have a Canon ImageRUNNER Advance C3325 copier. Recently, I bought a Surface Pro 11 laptop with an ARM processor, but I am stuck with no official printer driver from Canon.

After spending some times with this driver issue, I found the Microsoft PCL6 driver works for this printer, but only basic functions are offered.  There is no driver base control for colour printing, and most importantly no Duplex printing function.

Next solution I found and probably the best available now is to use Microsoft IPP driver.  To use this driver, first you need to login the canon web interface.  You need to get the Username and Password from your IT admin; or use the default Administrator 7654321.   

Inside the Canon web interface, go into Portal>settings.  under left panel Preferences>Network Settings, at right panel look for IPP Print Setting.  Tick the "Use IPP" and leave the bottom 2 SSL/authentication options blank.

Now in your Windows ARM, you can add device> add a printer using IP address > choose "IPP device" and NOT TCP/IP or autodetect.  It will scan for 1-2 minutes and the IPP driver is added.

IPP driver has colour printing control as well as Duplex printing.  More control over the pathetic PCL6 driver.  

I hope this helps, I searched in the web and see many users stuck with Canon ARM64 driver.  IPP driver is the best solution so far.  Do not hope for support from Canon, they don't [care] about ARM64.



I followed these steps but when it scans for the printer I get this error.  Any ideas on how to resolve? printererror.png



Did u manually select "IPP device" in the "Device type"? Not the ordinary way of autodetect.  ur image is blocked by the error prompt so i am not sure which device is selected.

IPP driver although has more features than PLC6, so far I have encountered some weird problems in printing certain pdf files, where some portion of the words or image will not be printed no matter how many times I try.  Only certain pdf not every pdf.  direct printing or spooling doesn't help.

If Duplex and Colour printing is not the concern, PCL6 is still the best in compatibility.

Yep.  Manually selected.  And yes, goal is to duplex.  Really frustrating that Canon refuses to release ARM drivers like all other major printer mfg. 


If you're struggling with your Canon ImageRUNNER IPP driver on a Windows ARM64 device, try the Microsoft IPP driver for better color and duplex printing. After logging into the Canon web interface, enable IPP settings, and add the printer using its IP. Remember, while you navigate these tech issues, take a break and enjoy the Slope for some fun and relaxation!

I already enabled IPP on the printer. I attempt to add it with the IP address and get the error above.  Any idea how to solve this problem?


Can you login to the printer web interface using the PC you are going to add the IPP driver?  Is the "enable IPP" option been saved before leaving the website?

I am not with that printer at the moment so i can't try anything from my side.

Yes.  It is.  

Hi, after few months using IPP driver, it is found unreliable with weird printing result sometimes.  I just posted another thread on using xerox universal PCL6 driver.
