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imageCLASS MF644Cdw Airprint name keeps changing


I have a MF644C and about every week or so the Airprint name changes. This prevents me from printing via my Macbook Pro until I delete and re-add the printer. Under "Settings/Registration: Preferences: Network Settings > AirPrint Settings" I originally set the Printer Name to "Canon MF644C", then it suddenly changed to "Canon MF644C (dd:ed:b5)" and most recently changed to "Canon MF644C (dd:ed:b5) (dd:ed:b5) (7)". I really don't care what the name is, but why does it keep changing?



I'm pretty sure the following is happening:


  1. after some time, the printer gets a new IP address from the router (DHCP)
  2. the printer broadcasts itself on the network
  3. someone (my MacBook Pro?) replies that that Bonjour name is already taken by the old IP address, since I've previously added the printer to that device
  4. the printer changes it's Bonjour name

Step 3 is actually quite senible, I think. If you have multiple identical printers and they are not switched on at the same time, you still do not want them to have the same Bonjour name. So allowing my Mac to tell the printer that that generic name was previously seen so the 'new' printer better pick a new name is not that strange. At least I think this is what's causing this.


I'm pretty sure I've fixed this as follows:


  1. in my router's admin interface I gave my printer a permanent static IP address
  2. restarted the printer and checked that my printer indeed now has that static address
  3. followed these instructions ( to change back the bonjour name to something sensible (instructions were a bit outdated but I was able to find the 'airprint settings' page.
  4. removed the printer from my devices and added the 'new' printer

Hopefully, this was the final time I had to do that. So far, so good.

I tried this workaround with setting fixed IP address for the printer as described here. Unfortunately, after the printer is power cycled, the AirPrint name still gets changed. In fact, after every restart. Does not work for me

This is a strange bug. Since the beginning of June (my previous post) this problem occurred again exactly once. I can power cycle my printer without problems, but still, it is not completely fixed.


This affects me as well.

I have even tried to disable IPv4 mDNS completely and only keep IPv6 mDNS active. (I use both IPv4 and IPv6 on my LAN.)

Didn't help.


Also there is a fixed IP set on the router for this printer, so the IP has not really changed in the past two weeks. Still the printer tells me that "the IP address of this printer has changed" after some boots.


This is really an issue as I always have to return to the printer's web admin page to revert to the correct mDNS name, otherwise printing from my Mac doesn't work at all (unless I'd remove and re-add the printer, which is a PITA).


Canon, it is unclear how this could have passed the quality assurance process. I have even updated printer's firmware, still didn't help. Plese fix this ASAP.



Stop saying it's not Canon's problem. Every printer I've ever had from other companies has never had this issue. Now I buy a Canon printer for the first time, and I have to re-add it to every computer in the house every time the printer is turned off and back on?! That is insane, and it is unique to Canon. If you don't start singing a different tune, and find us a fix to this problem, you better believe I will not ever buy a Canon product again and will put on every review site I can find that this printer has this problem and not to buy it. Canon needs to understand that this is not an issue it can blame on the user or on Apple or anything else. It is a problem it needs to address and fast. And Canon needs to have better customer service. Blaming the customer is a bad strategy, esp when we're a pretty tech savvy bunch who knows we're not doing anything differently from what we should have to do. Get it together.

I too have had this vexing issue for a while, and agree that it is most likely the router changing addresses... I use an AirPort Extreme.


I just permenently assigned the IP that the printer is currently using to always be there for it... that way, nothing else can be assigned to it.


I also, re-installed the printer using the Canon supplied drivers (instead of AirPrint).


All I can do now is wait and see if it drops it again... I'll let you all know!

Re-installing drivers and setting a fixed IP in the router don't cure it here. It always comes back and it's driving everyone here crazy.

What fixed it for me :

* use a static IP for the printer at the router level

* use the same static IP for the printer in the printer settings (for my MF743C it is Network Settings > IPv4 Settings > IP Address Settings > Auto Acquire > OFF and add IP address below).


Gave it another try after a few more months of recreating printer definitions. Installed the latest canon drivers, applied @feax suggestion...
No success, after two days my mDNS Name was changed to "Canon-MF643C (dc:09:2a) (11) (dc:09:2a) (2)" instaed of just "Canon-MF643C" which I entered

I've got this same issue. ASUS router.

I have reserved DNS names/IPs enabled but I've decided to turn OFF DHCP in the printer settings and set a fixed IP.

Still appends a hex triplet to the mDNS/Airprint name.

