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Wi-Fi instead of bluetooth

  1. I have just finished configuring my new Pixma TS5120 printer for both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth access. How can I choose which method to use? Thus far, I can only print via Bluetooth even when I turn Bluetooth off. A dialogue box appeared offering me Wi-Fi one time when Bluetooth failed to respond for some reason. Thanks in advance.

Accepted Solutions

Rising Star

Hi Ninjaman,


I understand that you have encountered issues printing over the network; however, you are able to print using the Bluetooth.  I recommend resetting the printer followed by connecting the printer to the network. The following steps will assist you with communicating with the printer over the network:


Resetting the Printer


  1. Press the DOWN arrow one time and the RIGHT arrow one time.
  2. Press OK on the GEAR icon.
  3. Press OK for SETTINGS.
  4. Press OK for DEVICE SETTINGS.
  5. Press the UP arrow one time to RESET SETTINGS, press OK.
  6. Press the DOWN arrow four times to RESET ALL, press OK.
  7. Press the LEFT arrow one time to YES, press OK.
  8. The system will perform a system reset.
  9. The message, "Completed the following:" will appear on the screen, press OK.
  10. Press the BACK (u-turn arrow) button two times.


Now that the unit has been reset, next is connecting the printer to the network using the Manual Connect method. You will need your network name and password for this part.


Connecting the Printer to the Network


  1. Press OK for DEVICE SETTINGS.
  2. Press the DOWN arrow one time to LAN SETTINGS, press OK.
  3. Press OK for WIRELESS LAN.
  4. Press the DOWN arrow one time to WIRELESS LAN SETUP, press OK.
  5. Press the DOWN arrow one time to MANUAL CONNECT, press OK.
  6. Press the DOWN arrow or OK to select YOUR NETWORK NAME. 
  7. If your router has a password, Enter Passphrase will appear on the screen, press OK for Please Enter.
  8. The character entry screen will appear. By default, lower-case letters will appear on the screen. 
    1. As you enter your password, instead of letters or numbers, an asterisk will appear in the white bar at the top of the window for each character. 
      • For upper-case letters, select the UP arrow icon in the lower left. 
      • For numbers and special characters, select the Capital A | two arrows chasing each other | number 1| at symbol  icon at the lower left. 
      • By chance, you need to delete a character, select the x enclosed in a box icon at the lower right.
  9. Once the password (passphrase/network key) is in the white bar at the top of the window, select OK twice.
  10. The printer will attempt to connect to the network. 
  11. The message, “Connected to the wireless router.” will appear on the screen, press OK.
  12. Press the HOME icon 

Now that the printer is connected to your network, confirm that the printer and the device you are printing from are on the same network and perform a test print.


If you are unable to print, printout the printers network configuration page. Click HERE for information on printing on the network configuration print. Review the network configuration page for the following information:


  • Enable next to Wireless LAN
  • Active next to Connection
  • Your network name next to SSID
  • An IPv4 IP Address that starts with either a 192, 172, or 10.
  • A signal strength that is hopefully stronger than 70 percent.


If you do see an IPv4 IP Address, and it starts with a 192, 172, or 10, please do the following:


  1. Open an Internet browser. (You can use the one you normally use to go on the Internet.)
  2. Single-click on the "Address" bar. (This bar is usually at the top of the browser and will display the address of the current web page that you are viewing. It may start with the letters "HTTP" or "WWW." Do not click on a "Search" bar.)
  3. Delete the address that is currently on the "Address" bar by pressing the "Backspace" or "Delete" button on your keyboard.
  4. Use your keyboard to enter the printer's IPv4 IP Address (numbers and dots only). There is no need to add "HTTP://" or "WWW." to the front of the address.
  5. Press the "Enter" or "Return" button on the keyboard.
  6. The browser will open a new window.
  7. If you are asked to enter password, the unit's serial number will be used for the password. Click HERE for information on the serial number.
  8. After entering these credentials, you can click on the “Log In” button or press the "Enter" or "Return" button on the keyboard.
  9. With successful access to the webpage, close it and attempt to print again. If you are unsuccessful, please reply with the results and the type of device you are attempting to print from.

View solution in original post


Rising Star

Hi Ninjaman,


I understand that you have encountered issues printing over the network; however, you are able to print using the Bluetooth.  I recommend resetting the printer followed by connecting the printer to the network. The following steps will assist you with communicating with the printer over the network:


Resetting the Printer


  1. Press the DOWN arrow one time and the RIGHT arrow one time.
  2. Press OK on the GEAR icon.
  3. Press OK for SETTINGS.
  4. Press OK for DEVICE SETTINGS.
  5. Press the UP arrow one time to RESET SETTINGS, press OK.
  6. Press the DOWN arrow four times to RESET ALL, press OK.
  7. Press the LEFT arrow one time to YES, press OK.
  8. The system will perform a system reset.
  9. The message, "Completed the following:" will appear on the screen, press OK.
  10. Press the BACK (u-turn arrow) button two times.


Now that the unit has been reset, next is connecting the printer to the network using the Manual Connect method. You will need your network name and password for this part.


Connecting the Printer to the Network


  1. Press OK for DEVICE SETTINGS.
  2. Press the DOWN arrow one time to LAN SETTINGS, press OK.
  3. Press OK for WIRELESS LAN.
  4. Press the DOWN arrow one time to WIRELESS LAN SETUP, press OK.
  5. Press the DOWN arrow one time to MANUAL CONNECT, press OK.
  6. Press the DOWN arrow or OK to select YOUR NETWORK NAME. 
  7. If your router has a password, Enter Passphrase will appear on the screen, press OK for Please Enter.
  8. The character entry screen will appear. By default, lower-case letters will appear on the screen. 
    1. As you enter your password, instead of letters or numbers, an asterisk will appear in the white bar at the top of the window for each character. 
      • For upper-case letters, select the UP arrow icon in the lower left. 
      • For numbers and special characters, select the Capital A | two arrows chasing each other | number 1| at symbol  icon at the lower left. 
      • By chance, you need to delete a character, select the x enclosed in a box icon at the lower right.
  9. Once the password (passphrase/network key) is in the white bar at the top of the window, select OK twice.
  10. The printer will attempt to connect to the network. 
  11. The message, “Connected to the wireless router.” will appear on the screen, press OK.
  12. Press the HOME icon 

Now that the printer is connected to your network, confirm that the printer and the device you are printing from are on the same network and perform a test print.


If you are unable to print, printout the printers network configuration page. Click HERE for information on printing on the network configuration print. Review the network configuration page for the following information:


  • Enable next to Wireless LAN
  • Active next to Connection
  • Your network name next to SSID
  • An IPv4 IP Address that starts with either a 192, 172, or 10.
  • A signal strength that is hopefully stronger than 70 percent.


If you do see an IPv4 IP Address, and it starts with a 192, 172, or 10, please do the following:


  1. Open an Internet browser. (You can use the one you normally use to go on the Internet.)
  2. Single-click on the "Address" bar. (This bar is usually at the top of the browser and will display the address of the current web page that you are viewing. It may start with the letters "HTTP" or "WWW." Do not click on a "Search" bar.)
  3. Delete the address that is currently on the "Address" bar by pressing the "Backspace" or "Delete" button on your keyboard.
  4. Use your keyboard to enter the printer's IPv4 IP Address (numbers and dots only). There is no need to add "HTTP://" or "WWW." to the front of the address.
  5. Press the "Enter" or "Return" button on the keyboard.
  6. The browser will open a new window.
  7. If you are asked to enter password, the unit's serial number will be used for the password. Click HERE for information on the serial number.
  8. After entering these credentials, you can click on the “Log In” button or press the "Enter" or "Return" button on the keyboard.
  9. With successful access to the webpage, close it and attempt to print again. If you are unsuccessful, please reply with the results and the type of device you are attempting to print from.