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Pixma MG5420 WiFi connection problem


The WiFi (WLAN) set-up works good all day after it starts.   But overnight when the printer is inactive it looses it.  When trying to print first thing in the morning I have to re-configure it using the "Standard Setup" method which involves typing in my WiFi password (a long and cumbersome process).  This machine is new (only 3 days old) and maybe this problem will eventually go away, but it hasn't for the last two mornings.   Anybody have this problem?  If so, how to fix?  Thanks.   


Many thanks, this method ( entering a location into the online setup details) finally made the printer visible to my MacBook Air!

This top was greatly appreciated!

Unfortunately, I am back to the problem! The printer is connected to my wifi network, and prints from the iPad - but my MacBook Air claims the printer is not connected and does not print.
Any help would be appreciated!

i am having the same issue. I printed the LAN details: link status "inactive" Signal strength "0%"
Please advise

Did you try the "Easy Setup"?

Theere may be some defaults n there that are not obvious.  Mine seems to go offline sometimes and I have to do that whole annoying process with my LAN password and all.  Just did it the second time in a month, then added a new pronter to my Mac -- now it works (fingers crossed) -- have not done the PC yet -- tomorrow...

BRING IT BACK. SRSLY. SOMETHING CLEARLY WRONG -- you've done your due diligence.

That Location thing seems to be critical -- it does not care what you call it, but apparently OSX needs it.

The channel part of this solution worked for me, but I just want to add that my router channel was set to "automatic".  When I set it to a specific channel, the same channel that the printer was reporting as its channel, I was able to connect and print without a problem.  There was also a checkbox that said to keep the setting during power cycles, and I checked that.

This is not a solution. The printer is within 36 inches of the router. The scanner won't connect and the printer only prints once before needing to be shut down and brought back up. Any other ideas?


I have an MB2320 and struggled for several hours to get my network to recognize the printer.  The standard driver load steps attempt to connect the printer which failed.  I went ahead and loaded the second set of drivers anyway and suddenly the printer was recognized.  Try loading all drivers, regardless of the apparent need to connect to the network to be successful.

How do you know what signal strength your modem is? I've looked on it, and I don't see any reference to a G or N signal.
