PIXMA TR8620a booklet print tab missing


It used to have a 'Booklet' tab for printing. Now its gone. I used it a lot, slacked off for a bit and now I can't find it.

What do I need to do to get it back?


@cakskosky1 wrote:

My OS is MAC OS Sonoma 14. Downloaded all dri vers as was suggested. Printer still doesn’t have the Booklet setting; prints super slowly, and pages aren’t printing in proper way so I can print 2 pages on each side, tear apart and have in proper numerical


If someone could tell me the correct settings I can do manually. HELP!!!!

You should register your printer on the support page and then contact Canon support at 1800-OK-CANON. 

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Ok. I’ll give it a go. 

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi cakskosky1,

WIth your document open on your Mac, please click on File and then Print.

When the Print dialog box appears, scroll down to the "Layout" section and click it.

Is the first option "Pages per Sheet"?  If it is, if you click it, does "Print as Booklet" appear at the bottom of the list?







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Yes it does. BUT when it prints the pages are cut off along the bottom and the numerical order is out of order so it cannot be put in a book format
