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PIXMA TR7520 Scanner Finds Wrong Computer


I have a TR7520 printer...printer works fine...but on my computer, the scanner will not hook up through Image Garden..if i run the IJ Scanner Utility, it finds it...on the printer, if I say scan to computer, it picks up my wife's computer name and not mine which I assume is the issue but I do not know how to get it to recognize mine.......redownloaded drivers, deleted and readded printer, reestablished the wireless LAN connection on the printer...out of bullets...appreciate anyone's thoughts. 





...and, when I look at the screen on the printer, it's scanning but no clue where it's going...very odd...


If it detects wife's computer and you select scan, the scanned data is forwarded to the computer according to the settings specified in Canon IJ Scan Utility/Canon IJ Scan Utility Lite. Please click HERE for more information about setting up the operation panel scan settings using though IJ Scan Utility. 

Also, when you wife's computer appears when you select scan, try tapping on the computer name to see if your computer appears so you can select it instead. 

If after updating the settings in IJ scan Utility and trying to change the computer the issue remains, I recommend reaching out to Canon support. The real time feedback of a live technical support call/chat would be very beneficial in this case.

You will need to register your Canon gear HERE to access additional support options.

We look forward to hearing from you. 
