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Now that Google Cloud Print is going away how do I get my MX922 to connect to my Chromebox wireless


Now that Google cloud print is going away how do I get my MX922 to connect wirelessly. I have been through all the steps but the MX922 is not listed as a choice. Is there another printer that is close to the MX922 that I could select in its place?


Thank you


anks a lot. I'll let you know.

Hello, can yo send me the ppd file? I have an MX925 and cant seem to find a solution to print.

I wouldn't not buy Canon printers, I throw away Chrome book and get somerhing else like I'm going to do.  I found that I can save what ever I want to print to an Email, then with my other piece of juck smart phone that I installed a Canon printing app that I can still print with my MX922.  What we need is a few more fruitcakes making the techknowledgy better, yeah right.  

Hey you, I just wanted to thank you again. I power washed my Chromebox and could not get the printer to work on the PPD file I got from you a while back, but it was the original one you made. I download the one from Regedit, and it works great. Thank you, Thank you again. Best Toolfriend

Thank you SO much! Found your Reddit post and downloaded the PPD (and I don't even know what one is!😄). Followed directions and can now print on my new chromebook! No longer thinking about a new non-Canon printer. I do not understand Canon leaving us all out in the cold. Happy that you didn't. Cheers. Will try to make a contribution. 💵😊

Hi there.  Could you send me the instructions on how to get my MX920 to work and to v=create the right type of file?  Thanks a bunch!



I have the same printer - Canon Pixma MX922.  Would really appreciate if you could please PM me the ppd file. Many thanks in advance !



Sorry, I'm not going to be much help. Not sure where that file is if I have it at all. I think what I did was follow the instructions by shadowsports posted on 12/13/20 and then followed what mc2021 posted on 3/11/21. That got my printer working, but not always perfectly. Sometines it would print in landscape but not portrait. Other times it printed only the left side of the page. You might have better luck. What you need is someone a lot smater than I am. 🙂 The situation sucks to say the least.

Hi, and thanks to everybody for the help.


Could I please get the PPD file for my Canon Pixma MX922? As stated earlier, this forum disabled the link which is maddening, considering Canon won't develop the PPD themselves...


Please and thanks,



I found that PPD. It is in a post on Reddit by PuzzleheadedYak9388 from April. He provides a link to his Dropbox with the PPD and a PDF help file as well. Hope that helps.
