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MF644Cdw support on Chromebooks?


Google has turned off Cloud Print effective December 31, 2020.


You can still connect a Chromebook directly to a printer on your network.  For this printer anyway, Chromebooks auto detect the printer on the network and provide an "Add printer" button for it on the printer setup page.


That's where things fall apart.


You are presented with a message that the printer "could not be configured automatically" and you are prompted for the Manufacturer and printer model.  The list of models for Canon is extensive but contains no MF devices at all.


I assume one of the other built-in "supported" drivers would work but I have no idea which.  Can anyone familiar with this printer and compatibility with other Canon printers chime in?


I see tons of BJ*, BJC*, LBP*, MultiPass, IPR*, iR-ADV*, ImageRunner*, but not one MF.


Thanks for any guidance.
