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shutter release not working S100



I am suddenly having problems with my S100. It will not take the picture when I press the shutter release. In case I had accidentally changed something, I did a Reset to Defaults. Then it worked, briefly, before returning to not working. It also would not let me change My Colors.  Everything else seems to be working fine.  Any ideas?

575 REPLIES 575

Hello Everyone. Just another Canon S100 user here with the same Shuttler Delay problem. Sometimes it takes 2 to 5 seconds to fire and sometimes it just doesn't fire at all. I'll be calling Canon's Support and see what they are willing to do. If they start to claim they are unaware of this issue or tell me they're going to charge me then I'll just do as others have suggested here and go to the BBB. I don't have a lot of time to waste around with poor support. This issue has been plauging users since at least 2013 and I guarantee that most people don't have the patience to post here or try the cannon support and just throw the camera away and get a new one. I can only imagine how many people we don't know about that are/were affected by this issue. Time for cannon to issue a recall on the shutter delay problem. I might understand if this was one of their cheaper throw away cameras but this is supposed to be a premium camera with a premium price! Makes me very reluctant to get another canon, especially with all the choices we have these days. I will say this though. If Canon does the right thing then I will be the first to come back and post and give the cudos for taking care of the issue. I'm happy to give credit where credit is due. We'll see.


By the way my Serial Number is 442032003451



Let us know how it goes. I still couldn't resolve mine even after trying to huff into the camera as suggested by some members above. It worked for a few seconds then it just became as dead as ever....


Add me to the list.  Almost 2015 and I'm another victim of the delayed-or-not-working shutter after owning this one for more than 2 years.  Feeling pessimistic after reading others' responses re: repair cost ($160?) - no waaaaay I'm paying that.  I'd rather buy another camera, a non-Canon.  <Sigh>.  Sorry, nothing helpful in this message, just adding to the voices that there has been, and still is, a major problem w/ the S100's shutter release.

I understand the frustration. I was looking to buy a canon DSLR next year but the outcome of this situation will definitely make or break my decision to go canon or not. I thought I was decided until now. I have to say the competitive model I was looking at is looking a whole lot better now.

Hi Pderbridge
Could you post your S100 serial number, just for the record, both in your post and in the "message tags". It helps with the tracking when we are reporting to the BBB or equivalent. Canon insists the problem is only with certain batches.

Hi Jensen
Could you please add your S100 serial number for tracking, both in the body of the post and the "tag" so we have more info for the BBB and Canon.

Mine is serial 44203200xxxx.


Same issue...


Perhaps some insight that may or may not be confirmed by other users and may or may not help in IDing the underlying issue.


My canon s100 (serial 46xxxxetc) was purchased from amazon Dec 2010 and recently started acting up. The camera focuses but does not take the photo for varying amounts of time and sometimes not at all.


I have discovered that the more steady I hold the camera, the faster it takes the photo- leading me to believe it is a sensor issue. Regardless, it is still VERY annoying, espeically in low light conditions when the camera must be held even more steady for longer periods to begin with. This issue remains when on self timer as well. It would be nice to know if anyone else has noticed this regarding their shutter release problem, and if someone from canon has further insight.


I love this camera and the quality of photos, but this problem is very dissappointing since taking a photo now is almost impossible and renders this nice peice of equipment useless.

hello S2 and I am sorry to hear you are part of the S100 problem pool

Some have reported "lens error" messages in addition to the shutter button problem. Which may or may not be related to what you are saying There have been reported cures, maybe temporary but I do not recall the mention of what you are saying. It could be the beginnings of the lens error issue also. I believe this is the longest thread in this forum so I may have forgotten or overlooked a similar post(s).


Have to tried taking pictures on a tripod with the self timer? That's about as steady as one can get absent a remote shutter switch. It also eliminates the shutter switch from the equation and leaves only the focus and light metering system.


Another contributer is collecting serial numbers to process a complaint as well as prompting Canon to step up to the plate and do what's right for it's customers, many who are or were very loyal.

I suggest you add your serial number to her list, her handle is Angela and you can find her most recent post about 3 or so posts back,

Mine serial number;


Unfortunately i now live outside of USA & cannot approach BBB either 😞


It seems that canon has not issued any official response at all on this forum thread...very shocking for a reputed brand name.
