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SX50 HS has a 'sticky' zoom lever


I purchased a canon Powershot SX50 HS 6 months ago for a 6 week trip to Africa and other parts of the world .   It took great pictures and held up well. By the end of trip the zoom lever began to stick a bit and it was difficult to keep the zoom from going way past the intended range. My inclination is that a bit of WD-40 or other lubricant might do the trick but don’t want to screw it up without investigating the problem a bit.  Has anyone else had this problem or have a better suggestion on a solution?



Do NOT use WD 40 on it unless you want to damage the camera ! There is a product I have used for years at work and home called Deoxit 5 for electronic equipment..its a cleaner and mild lubricant and unlike WD40 it is safe for plastics and rubber.

Also 3M makes a pure silicone spray which is also safe.

You also have the best option of warranty service which is what I would recommend first before you spray anything other than air in it.

If you try any lubricant first then wind up returning it for service they probably will see that and your warranty may be void.

Thank you for the suggestions.  I wasn't really planning on using wd40, but didn't have a clue on what I should do. I appreciate the thoughtful response.  I had taken it on an African Safari & I think it collected some dust from the Landrovers we were on.   After your comments, I tried a light application of filtered compressed air that improved the situation.  It seems to be moving more smoothly now.  Hopefully the problem will remain solved & the warranty will remain in tack!

Before using compressed air I would have got some clean, plain copier paper, cut a narrow strip, you may have to fold it in half,  then laying the camera falt on it's back insert the paper between the lens and with a circular motion removing the paper so all area of the lens are covered.


Compressed air is sure a good idea if it works but  you could be blowing the debris onto the inner lenses itself - you want the debris out not in.


I've heard many people advising WD40, cures all evils too.  Tthere are metal to plastic parts in a camer, meaning special plastic to metal grease is required WD40 will wash it clean out.


I've seen the stuff dripping out of  VHS video recorders, if it gets on the head I usually call it a write off, because of time verses cost.



Thanks for the paper suggestions.  I did try it, but it appears the rotating bezel is recessed below the external surface.  It probably has a lip underneath it as well. It makes sense as that may help prevent dust collection - particulary if it was designed with an O-ring or other soft seal.  At anyrate, I couldn't slip paper or thin floss in there.  Thanks again for the thouhgt however.  I'll probably make use of it elsewhere!

Was worth a try, all it takes is a grain of sand and  is enough in some cameras to cause problems, if the lens  extends at all you *may* see scratch marks, I think I didn't mention this before, sorry.




I had the same issue. Brought the SX50 to Africa. Lots of dust. Safari guide called it Ugandan makeup. This worked for me. Get some thin dental floss and work it under the zoom lever. You might need to use a cocktail stick to work the floss under the lever ( nothing metal that would mark the casing ). Then pull the floss back and forth a number of times. Job done.

Thanks for the suggestion.  So far it looks like the compressed air solution worked well for me.  I used short bursts aimed tangent to the perimiter rather than directly at the center.  If it acts up again I'll try that method.  I was on a safari as well - in Botswana, Zambia & Zimbabwe. Awesome!

DaveM: Dental floss & Toothpick worked for me too. So far fix has held up for a test viewing old shots,and one shooting session of some 40 shots. Have added dental floss and toothpick to my camera bag. I had taken some 2000 shots with the camera before the problem arose, so hope in turn that the fix will last that long. Many, many thanks for posting! I did not think that the fault was owner repairable, but searched the web just in case

1. Further to my post above, the problem has recurred.

I fixed the problem again with dental floss and toothpick.

The remaining problem that I have to solve is therefore: How to operate the zoom lever from side to side without accidentally also depressing it downwards hard enough for it to move down its central shaft or pin, and 'stick' again.

2. By 'stick' I mean the effect whereby the zoom lever moves stiffly, and springs back slowly, so that it is not possible to choose and set an intermediate zoom level between zero and 50x.

You can, if you release the lever very quickly, get the zoom lever to set the zoom level at an intermediate figure.

But you can't control at all what figure the figure in question shall be.
