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Powershot SX70 HS Adapter Ring for protector lens not fitting


Per another thread suggestion I bought a 58mm metal lens adapter so I could add a slim-line style UV lens for protecting the main camera lens (SX70 HS). Identical lens stuff as the SX50 and SX60 I think, and the one that arrived (ebay) has "LA-58SX50" printed on it (which oddly faces the camera body side rather than the inner threads side that would face out). But while it can be placed and lined up, it doesn't turn at all. They are supposed to be put on with the obvious lineup, but then turned a bit I think. This one when lined up can be pushed down, but it is jiggly and would easily come off.

non-turning adapter in placenon-turning adapter in placeThe photo shows the lens adapter set into place, but it cannot be turned at all in order for it to be tight and not able to just fall off.

I've watched a YouTube how-to video or two, and it's supposed to be able to turn once placed, and then it allegedly clicks.

Sorry if there's something dumb I'm just not getting, but if there is, I'm way open to hearing it! THANKS!








Sorry to take anyone's time with this (time that could be better spent sitting in an Orangoutang enclosure to get great photos, possibly even including an obscene gesture by said Orangoutang), but I am going to leave here these two images that I hope show manufacturing defects for my eBay purchase. One from the threads side and one from the side that attaches to the camera. (I say "hope" because if the two I have on order now from Amazon with free returns - can just walk them into a "Whole Paycheck," aka "Whole Foods" - do check out and work and are different than the eBay one, then perhaps I'm not a numbskull.)

The eBay seller is cool with a return next week if need be. (Ever notice that eBay has the capital B when their name is shown as Text, but their logo is all lower case?)






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It looks like this one was 3D printed.  Mine one was cast or moulded.  Sorry this supplier did not do a good job.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is not what they hold in their hand, it's what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

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Just to tie a bow on this thread in case others have similar issues, seems very possible that 3D printed metal adapter rings are what are available anymore (rather than molded), possibly more likely to have defects, but also can work okay. No white writing on the outside edges, but the first one tried from Amazon worked. Lining up the indents as looks obvious, and then turning a full indent’s worth (clockwise) does the trick. Having a non-defective adapter ring install easily had me removing it and trying the defective one again, and still, no way it’s going to ever budge once lined up, pushed on and ready for turning and locking into position. The other Amazon goes back via “Whole Paycheck,” and the non-op one to eBay seller via usps, and the new cam lens is happily now protected.

I'm glad you eventually got a solution, but sorry your first attempt was marred by poor product.   I much prefer the 58mm adapter ring over the larger one offered by Canon.  Apart from the difference in cost, which is not insignificant, the 58mm is a much slimmer and more elegant fit, and I never had an issue with filters, as long as they were slimline ones.  I hope that works as well for you.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is not what they hold in their hand, it's what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris