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G7x II zoom problem in Movie mode


Hello, I just bought the G7x II and can't figure out why I have this problem:


In all modes (C, M, Av, Tv, P, A, Auto and SCN), I can zoom from 24mm to 100mm.

Once I switch to "Movie" mode (the little camera icon between SCN and C), The G7x II automaticly zooms to 35mm. I can zoom up from 35mm to 100mm; but I can not go wider; 28mm or 24mm. So the maximum wide I have is 35mm.


I didn't have this problem with the previous G7x.


Can anyone help me out here please?

Am I doing something wrong?


Kind regards




What????!!! I just came back from the store.

Apparently all G7x II have this "setting". No 24mm in movie mode??????!!!


Last month I bought the 80D. This one was "dead on arrival". I also returned that one.


Come on Canon. What happened.


Well, this ends my Canon-era. Gave the Canon back and bought the Sony RX100 V.


ciao Canon

Just out of curiosity, does the G7x II use electronic image stabilization (EIS) in video mode? I think, in some cases at least, that the stabilization works by recording a slightly zoomed video at a lower resolution than maximun. This allows for a bit of extra room on the sensor so the image can be "moved" around some so that it appears more stable when viewing. The camera may have been working exactly as it was designed to, and you may have been able to shoot at full-wide if you had turned off the image stabilization.

This will probably explain the process better than I can...

[Removed link per Forum Community Guidelines]

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Pvcaesbroeck,


Thanks for posting.


If this still occurs, please contact the Canon Technical Support Team.  For contact options, please use this link:

Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

Hello BurnUnit,

thank you for your reply.

I hope this helps other users. It doesn't apply for me anymore since I am a Sony user now.


Kind regards


Hello Richard,


Thank you for your help.

Last week I contacted Canon Belgium by mail through their site, but they still didn't answer yet.

I tried to contact them by phone (number was on the site) but the phonenumber is "not in use for the moment".


I'm a Sony user now.

I hope your reply can help other Canon users.


kind regards


Your hunch was right, I solved it by turning off "auto level". I get the full FOV I get from photo modes. Should be perfect when using a tripod.

Talking about G7x Mark II of course.

@itaisod wrote:

Your hunch was right, I solved it by turning off "auto level". I get the full FOV I get from photo modes. Should be perfect when using a tripod.

Talking about G7x Mark II of course.

Just for clarification, did you maybe mean to say that you turned off the "Electronic Image Stabilization" instead of the "auto level"?

No, that's how Canon call it.

Using Auto Level
Auto leveling helps keep movies straight as you record them. Once recording begins, the display area may narrow, and subjects may be enlarged

@itaisod wrote:
No, that's how Canon call it.

Using Auto Level
Auto leveling helps keep movies straight as you record them. Once recording begins, the display area may narrow, and subjects may be enlarged

Thanks! That's a new one on me.


Don't own one of these and didn't know about the Auto Level feature. But on page 53 of the user guide it also describes similar behavior when shooting video when using Image Stabilization. Which makes sense since in many ways IS and Auto Level are both performing similar adjustments. Using either of these settings will require a slightly narrower FOV to provide room for their adjustments.


