G7X Mark II Syncs with Irista and Canon Gateway, but won't sync to Win10 computer.




I have finally got myG7X Mark II  camera to connect to a win10 computer.  (which is a whole other story in it's self! )


I can now connect to the "Camera Window" App wirlessly. And from there transfer the photos to my computer.


Camera WILL  "sync" wirelessly with "Irista" and the " Canon Gateway "  online photo album.


But mysteriously, the camera WON'T synch with my computer. Camera states that all photos have been successfully transferred but the default transfer folder, for the " Image Transfer Utility" never receives any images. 


I have tried giving the transfer utility another import photo to use, after deleting the original default folder named "transfers"


And I have even re-download the canon photo software and re installed it, but for some unknown reason, the camera still refuses to Sync to my Win10 computer ....Bizarre! 


Any thoughts or help would be very much appreciated





Most Canon cameras default to only transferring “new” images.  This setting should be user configurable, BTW.  


The default behavior to only transfer “new” photos is to prevent the camera from transferring the entire memory card every time you do a download, which could possibly overwrite files that you have edited.  Check the menus for this setting.


”... Additionally, the G7 X Mark II also features built-in Wi-Fi with NFC for wireless sharing of imagery to smartphones or tablets, as well as remote camera control from linked mobile devices.”


The above is part of the product description from B&H.


Also, you camera may not be able to “sync” with a PC on your local LAN, just a cloud based device like some tables, or a smartphone.  Your Instruction Manual for the camera should tell you what it is capable of doing.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thanks for the reply Waddizzle. Fully understand what you saying about only new photos are synced to a device and not old photos that have already synced. Unfortunately camera will not sync any photos and this includes photos that have never been synced before.


Acccording to both the paper manual (that came with the camera) and the electronic online manual, plus the information available on line at the "Canon Gateway" site, this camera dose have the capability to sync to many devices all at the same time, including a Win10 PC. 


The first time I got it to connect wirelessly to the Win10 PC, it was happy to sync to the PC. But then I had to re-install the software again due to it loosing the WiFi connection to the PC again. Since then it won't sync to PC anymore. 


I know it's not a wireless issue, as it will still connect wirelessly to the the Canon "CameraWindow" app .  


Thanks for the reply anyways.

@SiMBo wrote:

Thanks for the reply Waddizzle. Fully understand what you saying about only new photos are synced to a device and not old photos that have already synced. Unfortunately camera will not sync any photos and this includes photos that have never been synced before.


Acccording to both the paper manual (that came with the camera) and the electronic online manual, plus the information available on line at the "Canon Gateway" site, this camera dose have the capability to sync to many devices all at the same time, including a Win10 PC. 


The first time I got it to connect wirelessly to the Win10 PC, it was happy to sync to the PC. But then I had to re-install the software again due to it loosing the WiFi connection to the PC again. Since then it won't sync to PC anymore. 


I know it's not a wireless issue, as it will still connect wirelessly to the the Canon "CameraWindow" app .  


Thanks for the reply anyways.

Delete the connection in the camera, and create a new one.


My reading shows that the camera is capable of remote shooting under wireless control, which is very different from remotely transferring images.  If you say it could “sync to your Win 10 computer”, then I will take your word for it.  Why would it stop working?  What changed?


I do not know what you mean by “sync to Win 10 computer”.  Are you trying to automatically transfer a file when you take a shot?  Or, are you trying to download images after you have taken a set of photos?  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi SiMBo,


Thanks for posting.


If you haven't already done so, I recommend using our "How to" video for the connection of your camera. You may see that by clicking here.  (Since you've installed the software, this link skips that and begins at 2:20)


If you find that you're unable to transfer imamges, even after using the video, I recommend the following article:  Troubleshooting Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues with Camera and Microsoft Windows OSes

Did this answer your question? Please click the Accept as Solution button so that others may find the answer as well.

G’day Richard 


Thanks for all the suggestions on what might be stopping the G7X Mark ll synching with my Win10 computer. I had actually seen the How To Video even before I had this synching problem. 


After all all the trouble I previously had even getting a wireless connection from camera to computer ( which now seems to be working fine) I’ve decided I can live without the ability to synch to my computer and I’m happy enough,that it at least establishes a  wireless connection and I can transfer the photos wirelessly to the computer. 


Very strange though, that it’s happy to synch to both of the canon online photo storage sites but won’t synch to a Win10 computer.







PS: Just had a thought ...... Mabey the camera is “tagging” the photos after it has finished synching  them to the online sites as synced photos, and then because of this, it considers all photos are now synced, and thus sees no need to sync anymore photos to the computer?


Hummmm ..This could be the “problem” !  


I’ll try turning off  the option to sync to the online site, and then see if it will sync to my computer. 

Have tried turning of all synching options to  online sites but camera still won’t sync to Win10 computer Man Sad Guess I’ll just have to accept this for now, but like I said, at least it does establish a wireless connection to the computer and I can then manually transfer the photos from camera to computer. 

