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pencil stuck in MF229 laser printer


Perfectly working printer and my toddler put a pencil in the paper tray, and it got sucked into the printer, by the time I could stop the printing it was really stuck, I got out all or most of it, the tip was shredded, and now the printer is making a horrible sound and not printing. There is possibly a tiny piece of wood in there, stuck in the gears or something but I could not open this thing up. I cannot afford to have it serviced, is there somone who can give me instructions or advice?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello esrakan,


I understand your imageCLASS MF229dw is no longer printing after a pencil got stuck inside the unit.  If you completed all of the steps listed under the "Paper Jams inside the Machine" section at this LINK, then you have did everything I would recommend to restore your MF229dw to working as designed.  At this point, your MF229dw will require service.  We are unable to provide you with instructions on how to conduct repairs because repair procedures are only available to members of our Authorized Service Facility (ASF) network. 


I recommend contacting us at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666) so that we may provide you with your service options.  I understand that the forum may be your preferred method of communication; however, speaking with our telephone technical support group will be very beneficial in this case.


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