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imageCLASS MF632C/634C scan error message

Suddenly, when I use Canon MF Scan Utility and select "PDF Document Scan" button for my "Canon MF632/634_409F38943CB5" product, I get the following error.
MF Scan Utility settings shows the Paper Size is set to Letter.
And I am scanning a letter-sized document from the feed tray (though scanning from the scan bed yields the same results).
I swear this is a recent occurrence.
Selected paper size is larger than physical scanning area. Cropping will occur. Continue?

Yes, happened to me too.

I've been use Canon 731c  for many months with NO problem

Then update to NEW SOFTWARE .... Now  many problems follow

1) ... This paper warning ...

  I have to run up and down between Printer and Computer which is very BAD

  I don't have to that before software update.

2)... Scan to Email --- WON'T WORK anymore ..... WHY  WHY WHY ...??

  I scaned to my Gmail with ease before ...  Now I can't do it

  . . . .  and I can't do it for years now.


  I don't understand why change when the printer run great with NO PROBLEMS.

  After software update .... The Canon Printer goes  BAD .....!!!

  I tried to erased everything .... every canon drivers and reinstall an OLD DRIVERS that came with the printer.

  ..... BUT .... Problems won't go away.

  Now I gave up ...  just use my  $70 HP to scan to Email 

  HP Printer  cost less 5 +  times less and working GREAT ....!!!

  When canon will come out with NEW & BETTER softwares to fix these problems ...? .... WHEN ..??




I have been having this since Windows 11 update or maybe a few weeks prior. After coming on the forum I was able to fix the issue finally. What helped me was opening Device Manager from the start menu. Finding Imaging Devices, underneath found the Canon scanner. Right click and disable device and then enable device. Afterwards the scanner worked without that error box and I have also noticed it was scanning much faster again.


Thank you!  This was driving me nuts.


S__4153346.jpgS__4153348.jpgS__4153349.jpgI have a MF232W

On the Printer itself

Menu -> Printer Settings -> Force when Paper Size Mismatch -> Force Output


In my case this was a firewall issue. Make sure you allow svchost.exe to access UDP port 8610 on the printer. If that doesn't immediately work, disable and enable the scanner as described in another post in this thread.

Thank you the disable and enabled even worked for Windows 10, after some updates we done. Thank you very much.

Thanks, solution (disable then enable) works for me under the Device Manger > Imaging Device > Canon ....
