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Scanfront 300 Email Settings


I've got a Canon ScanFront 300 scanner that can scan to email but it requires an SMTP server address to send the mail.  I have tried all methods below:- Authentication Method: (SMTP, POP before SMTP, SMTP (LOGIN), SMTP (PLAIN), SMTP (CRAM-MD5) tried each but no luck) In each case I provided my account name and password for authentication but no joy. I've also tried all settings in the document but to no avail.

I get messages such as 530 5.7.0 must issue a starttls command first plus other messages depending on what option I select.  I think this is based around using SSL or TTS but the scanner does not have any tick boxes for this (unless I'm looking in the wrong place - but I've been though all menus)
Has anyone had joy with this product and sending email via gmail ?
Any help/pointers appreciated.

3 years and NO answer. IS the Scanfront 300 even worth it with NO support?


The setup for this can be confusing.


The user name and password for SMTP are stored in the USER portion of the scanner web UI.


So... To get SMTP authentication working, create a user, assign the SMTP credentials to the user, then go to the Server Settings page and select the SMTP authentication type.


When you log in as that user, the authentication settings will be used.


Your SMTP provider might require encryption.  The scanner appears to only support STARTTLS negotiation.  Be sure you choose the correct port number, which may require asking your service provider, but is typically 587.


For more information, page 6-34 (in my manual at least) talks about how this works.





