Imageclass MF743Cdw prints too light. How to get it darker?


My new (bought in October) Imagelcass has yet to print black in full black. It's very light, almost greyscale.  Color prints fine but the black is more of a grey.  I can adjust print settings when making copies, but can't find a way to make it "print" darker.  I use a PC, not a Mac.  Suggestions?


This worked great!  I can't believe this isn't the standard setup procedure for this printer out of the box.


CANON!  If you're listening, please fix this before this printer gets a bad reputation.


Thanks for the help.

I had the same problem, and the procedure above fixed it.

I can't say I am impressed with this printers drivers and default setup. The hardware appears fine.

It should be able to print grey scale out of the box like every other printer I have. I tried  a 20 year old Samsung B&W  laser, 10 year old Brother B&W laser, and 7 year old HP color laser, and a new Brother color laser and they all managed to print the same document correctly, without any intervention.

Fixing this issue is probably beyond the capability of most non-technical people.

Why doesn't Canon perform the procedure before they ship, or adjust defaults to do a better job?

It didn't work for me too.
So instead, I went to the browser GUI, Log in System Manager.
Go to Function, Printer Settings, and found Toner Save: On.
Edit it, turn it Off. And now my black is printing much much darker.
That might fix your issue too

Thanks Masterloc, do you do that online or on the printer interface?

online, web GUI

Glad it helped debzex's been awhile since I was here. Smiley Wink

Thanks for the kinds words thomasjohnlynch ...Glad it's been awhile since I was here. Smiley Wink

Glad it helped david07666 BrotherJames and frunobulax...again I totally agree, it would seem that the printer should be "set" out of the box.


And perhaps the new new ones do (I do not know)?


I also have to remember to download new firmware often (just like it did for my MF743Cdw and older MF733Cdw the other day.


I have to say I have always been amazed at what firmware fixes in various devices. Even like my daughters 2016 Civic EX-L w/Honda Sensing. I drove it one day and thought this does not drive like a Honda at ALL. She'd never noticed...but I notice  and "feel" everything. Took it in...sure enough there was a new firmware/software and drove like how a Honda should drive. So things happen...that is for sure! Smiley WinkSmiley Frustrated


Hi Firefly1 as mentioned in other's been awhile since I was here. Sorry the procedure I'd discovered is not working for might want to call Canon (long hold times I know) at 800-652-2666 to see why your printer will not "Perform the Operation". Or check the below, too before you call...hope it helps! Smiley Happy


Check/Update the Firmware...

As I'd mentioned in previous posts...a person would want to make sure to update the printers Firmware...again, as previously mentioned, Firmware can make a MASSIVE difference in the craziest things that I've personally seen from other printer manufactures that will remain unamed here. ha ha Smiley Indifferent But I can say from being an ole Apple Level III Tech and former Apple Sales Manager going back to '84 (datting myself now). Smiley Wink Canon has been the best printer manufacture of them all...and again I've been around the block a few times. Lil' known fact, to some people, that Canon made the original engines in the very first Apple LaserWriters...Canon still makes these "true" laser printers. So while I still agree this one should not need to have a song and dance to make it work correctly and print nice and black...the procedure listed in an earlier past should work as it has for several others.


Anyway, rabbit trail over...

Normally the 'Toner Save' is OFF...or at least it was OFF by default on my printer. But to double check it...a person can get there two (2) diferent ways (see A & B below)...


A) There is the Web GUI Interface...that Masterloc was refering too...and the path goes like this...

Type in your printers IP address into your favorite web browser (which the IP Address can normally be found on the printer's display). Just press 'Status Monitor' from the lower righhand corner of the 'Home' Screen.


Then punch that IP into a web browser...and go to 'System Manager Mode' > Log In > (click button in the upper righthand corner) Settings/Registration  > Printer Settings (lefthand column) > Custom Settings > and check that 'Toner Save' is OFF...if it is ON a person can click the 'Edit' Button and turn it OFF.


B) Printer Screen Way to Check the 'Toner Save'... (perhaps a lil' simpler) Smiley Wink

Home Screen > Menu > Function Settings > Printer > Printer Settings > Print Quality > Then check if 'Toner Save' is OFF (again mine was OFF by default, which is actually one of the things I'd checked first when I first got this particular printer).


Well, that's a novel...hope that might help you!
