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ImageCLASS MF644Cdw Makes Extremely Loud Noise


Every time I print a document my printer makes an extremely loud noise like it's struggling to print.  I clicked on the Maintenance button, then clicked on Clean Fixing Assembly.  I tried clicking on the Start button, but it won't work.  I cannot get it to Start.  I cannot get it to start on the Clean ITB or the Clean Feeder tab either.

Any suggestions?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello Sgrimes,

If you are unable to perform maintenance tasks and the printer makes loud noises, it will mean there is a jam in the printer or there is something wrong with the hardware. You can try reseating the toner cartridges using the steps in the link HERE and you can check the interior for any jammed paper or obstructions. 

If that does not resolve the issue, it looks like the printer needs service. I would suggest contacting support over the phone at 1-800-652-2666 or logging into your MyCanon account to check your available service options.
