How do I stop double sided or 2-sided printing on my Canon MF8300C


I saw some replies for another MF series printer, but the instructions did not make sense to me.  I have gone through EVERY possible option in the print dialog boxes.  I think this is something set on the printer itself somehow.  


  THe weird thing is that on my old computer with the same printer, I had an option in the Print dialog box for "Finishing."  That allowed me to specify (and obviously I could save that setting in a preset).  But, with my new computer and new download of the drivers, etc., "Finishing" is not on the drop down menu.  I do see Basic (which someone mentioned in a post), but that doesn't deal with 2 sided printing.


Please help!!





I figured it out but forgot that I had posted this question. The machine default is set to print single-sided. Choosing the first option on the machine will give you single-sided to double-sided, the second option is double-sided to double-sided. This is why I was getting double-sided prints all the time. To get single to single make sure the machine is in the default (reset button)


I have a Mac Desktop, and Canon Image Class MFb44Cdw printer

I can't stop it from printing double sided. 

I finally found the box to unclick "two sided" but it is not letting me unclick the box

I found this folder when I go into print - print using system dialog but now it won't let me change the system preferences



I too am having the same problem. I have downloaded the latest drivers and they don't show up when I re-install the printer. my only driver options are Canon MF642C/MF643C/MF644C - There are no printer drivers in the driver library with MF642CDW where I assume the D is duplex and the W is wireless. In fact, after installing the driver package, I don't see anything that was added today. The drivers for the printer are old. 



Hi there, I keep trying to change defaults using this CUPS thing, and it asks for a login.  I've used my computer login, my printer login, and even called my work's support line to get them to try the administrator login for my system.  I've tried 3 different browsers.  None of them work!!!! close.........  But, still can't change my defaults.  I'm on a Mac on Big Sur operating system v 11.1.  Any advice?

The default of the machine is set to single side only.  if you one option one of the menu it is single sides to double. So hit the reset botten each time to ensure you get single side  copying.

Doesn't work with MacOS 11 and MF445dw: General has only a Page Size drop down -- no Print Style menu.


EDIT: Print Style is in the FInishing section (not General). Setting it to 1-sided Printing, and then clicking Set Default Options underneath and entering my MacOS login, changed the setting there, but (after a power cycle) didn't change the behavior of the printer. I still can't get 1-sided printing.


I may have found a solution for Windows 10.  Don't open Printers and Scanners in Cortana.  Instead open Control panel and find the Canon fax driver or printer listed (and should be set to default printer).  Then right click and choose Printer preferences, Once it opens the preferences, change from 2-1 printing to 1-1 printing and hit Apply.  Then hit ok and exit.  To check on it, open a new word or office document and hit print, open printer properties and make sure the setting is still 1-1.  This seemed to solve the issue for me. 

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I have an iMac and just upgraded to Calalina v 10.15.7.  Previously my OLD Imageclass D480 worked fine, but after the upgrade it only printed double sided.  I knew it was the driver, as I can copy single sided just fine.  I realize this post is about a different printer, but the instructions worked!!  i had to poke around a little bit as the layout of the utility is a little different, but I found it and am delighted that my 13 year old printer is alive and well.  gcervo, thank you very much for sharing this info, I have spent hours on this before I saw your post.
