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OnBoarding for Canon ImageConnect Errors Out

When trying to complete the on boarding process on the Photographer Matching Service site after completing a few of the questions I get a triangle with an explanation point. When refreshing the page I have to start at the beginning again and the step...

Screenshot 2022-09-17 191858.png
AshFrits by Apprentice
  • 2 replies

Unable to log in to canon webpage

So I am able to log in to my profile on the store temporarily. Once I log in and then search for a product or something, for example I am trying to buy the Extender RFx2. I log in, I search for it, click on it, then add to the cart, once I...

All Products Missing from MyCanon Account

I logged on to my account today (9/7/2019 and noticed all my registered products are gone.  I called the help/support line and they were just as amazed and said it will take 24-48 Biz hours to research.  Has anyone else run into this issue?  ThanksSn...

snagle by Apprentice
  • 6 replies

Canon P-23-DHV Printing Issue

I recently changed the two-color ribbon on my calculator.  I don't know what I did in the process but the calculator insists on printing the number 8 as an additional digit at the right margin of the printout. 

Gerri_C by Apprentice
  • 1 replies

Customer Service RE: late Fees

Who can I contact regarding disputed late fees?  We have submitted a written complaint & have put in a calls, but have gotten no response.  These late fees date back to Jan of this year & have continued until present.   The invoices never stated ther...

Collectors Market for Old Canon Cameras

I'm hoping that you all can help me out.  Is there a collectors market out there for older Canons?  My neighbors husband just recently passed away and she asked me to see what she can domwith his AE~1 and one of the first Rebel digital camera.  They ...

Jayne2 by Apprentice
  • 14 replies

Resolved! How to merge two Canon accounts?

I have an old Canon account I would like to merge with my newer account. So far, I'm unable to find how to do that. Is it possible? Does anyone know where I can find info on how to accomplish this task? My apologies if I'm overlooking an obvious answ...

Camera club guest speakers

I represent a camera club, and we are looking for guest speakers (via Zoom).  Does Canon have any programs for camera clubs, or can Canon make any suggestions?Dan

Question about my Canon account

This might not be the right platform, but when I set up my cannon account. I lived in the US. I have moved out of the country and I cant seem to update my address. Do I need to create another account?

Canon customer service and stolen product

  I am loyal Canon customer for years owner of many products. I always believed in your products as well as your customer service. Right now I am on the verge of loosing my mind over the issue that has been dragging along since end of November early ...

katarusa by Apprentice
  • 1 replies
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