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What Print lab do you like to use?

this can be for both professional and personal.... what is your favorite print lab?  I usually use millers, but its gotten expensive for personal prints.  I was thinking miller's consumer print lab, MPix, or possibly costco.... i heard they were good...

jaenagle by Contributor
  • 6 replies

Re: Rookie needs help!

Yeah, I started with a Canon EOS Rebel X camera (the 35 millimeter film camera), with the stock 35-80 lens.  My favorite powershot is currently the Powershot S100 and my favorite EOS is the EOS 60D. 

Re: Rookie needs help!

Unless you need some specific features, any Canon camera will do fine for you. A Rebel will be in your price range (T2i is one heck of a camera for the price) or you could get a 60d which will give you better ergonomics, battery, viewfinder, etc. Don...

BrickR by Enthusiast
  • 0 replies

Show off your Halloween shots!

Okay, I'm a couple of weeks late - but hey, the forums werent up (really) on the 31st! Still, that doesnt mean we cant share our awesome photos from All Hallows Eve! Here's a couple to get us started:    

Hell Pumpkin! A Bloody Mess Happy Birthday Bela Lugosi Day 276 - Bookeh.jpg
Getting started

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