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cartridge refilling


I have refilled a cartridge, but it still shows as "out of ink."  Is this action forbidden by Canon?



You need a device to reset the chip in the cartridge,


After a few years of using refilled carttridges, I have come to the conclusion that unless you do tons and tons of printing you are wasting your time, In the years I used refilled cartridges I have had numerous cloging issues, replacing print head issues. In the last five years I have used only Canon cartridges in my Pixma Pro9000, and 2 Pixma Pro 9000 MkII's and have never had to run a cleaning cycle or replaced a print head. I kept very carefull records and can report the six main colors average 33+ 13 x19's per cartridge and the red and green well in excess of 100 prints.  It is false economy for most people to buy  refills or refill cartridges themselves. Using Canon cartridges I know I am getting consistent results and so far no down time.
